Clean Your House! Manifest Challenge Day 24

With rescued baby animals and deliciously forgetful children running around, my house gets messy fast. Not so much dirty, but messy, with stuff and things ending up everywhere due to fast paced lives. Not to mention the early winter here in the Pacific Northwest!

Due to an obscenely abnormal amount of crazy during the month of October, my home cleaning activities slacked a bit.

Ok, ok, they slacked a lot.

So we had to spend three full days cleaning and organizing and getting ready for the unexpected freeze.

It was not pleasant. I won't lie. I abhor cleaning. It's such a waste of time, right? I mean, it's just going to get messy all over again! And almost immediately!

But, sigh, it's a necessary evil. So I couldn't come out to play with my fellow Steemitzens this weekend, cuz I had to clean my room.

We were finally finished yesterday afternoon. And I was sore and grumpy. But after putting away the cleaning supplies and pressing the start button on that last load of laundry, I looked around the house and felt...


It felt good! Just being in a clean and neat environment felt tranquil and harmonious.

I hadn't realized it until after The Cleansing, but all that chaos had stagnated the energy in my house.

Energy needs to flow. Everything must flow or it builds up and backs up and creates a feeling that is less than serene. This happens when you dam a river and when you have a pile of junk covering the coffeetable.

I could not believe just how refreshingly calm and content I felt in my newly cleaned house! I stood in the living room, contemplating the vacuum lines on the carpet, and just breathed, feeling my sore shoulders breathe a sigh of relaxation.

Clean your house. Organize your environment. If you do not have kids- keep it that way! It will reward you with positive energy. Energy that will work in line to reward your visualization efforts.

Now excuse me while I go pick up the toys my boys left out... Sigh, it's neverending ;)

Images via Creative Commons and Giphy

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I appreciate your support :)

With Love and Light and Good Mojo to my Tribe!


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Remember to follow


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Endagered Species Series - Fossa
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