Endangered Species Series - Fossa

Leaping lemurs and camouflaging chameleons may take the lead roles in Madagascar's Cool Animal Stage, but the Fossa is an interesting and very rare character on the brink of extinction.

The Fossa is a medium sized carnivore found only on the island of Madagascar. Once thought to be part of the feline species, Fossa belongs to Malagasy Carnivore group, believed to be descended from Mongoose like ancestors which arrived on Madagascar from Africa 24 million years ago. The Fossa is one of the most ancient set of species.

Like most animals and plants on Madagascar, Fossa are found nowhere else on Earth. Their habitat of dense, forested areas are threatened by mass deforestation for human settlement. They are also hunted by farmers fearing for their livestock.

Fun Fact: Their claws are always at their sharpest due to being retractable, so they are not blunted when walking!

Sources: National Geographic, A-Zanimals.com, creative commons

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