Preparing For a Winter Storm

It snowed this weekend. This is almost unheard of where I live. We are lucky if we see a few days of snow in January,

But November 3rd? Crazy!

As the days grow shorter and colder, now is the time to start thinking about prepping for winter. The Farmer’s Almanac claims this will be an especially brutal winter North America. UK Meteorologists hold high confidence that this winter will arrive earlier, and be colder and snowier than the last. It seems the entire Northern hemisphere is expected to be more frigid and wet. Crazy winter weather has a way of causing power outages, tough if not impossible driving situations, and other hardships that would be counterintuitive to running to the food mart for a stick of butter.

Now is the time to evaluate your current preps. And by all means, if you haven’t started prepping, now might be the time to reconsider, as the cold will be upon us faster than we think.

72 Hour Kit

At the very least you should have enough basics stashed away to survive at least three days. A box of untouched food and supplies for each member of your household with nonperishable food, water, medical supplies, and entertainment- face it, when people are bored they can tend to eat, and you don’t want your five year old raiding the Bug Out Bag before dawn and helping himself to all the MRE’s. Three each of breakfasts, lunches and dinners, along with “comfort food” and snacks. Chewing gum, hard candies, and trail mixes are good items for the “munchies.” Instant coffee, chicken bullion, tea’s and Tang are great items to keep, also. Keep in mind to have enough prescription medications stored in case of a prolonged power outage or natural disaster.

Items To Store in each 72-hour kit

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