A simple and powerful tool to manifest your dreams to reality, a vision board is a collage of images that represent your goal. If your goal is to lose weight, your vision board might include pictures of rippling abs, a slinky outfit, and photos of fit runners. If your goal is to get a promotion at work, you might include pictures of smiling suits at powerful desks, stacks of money, or other things that symbolize power and prestige to you.
It does not have to be complicated. Your vision board should represent you and flow with your personal brand of energy.
It has to feel right.
- How to Make a Vision Board
Lay out a sheet of paper or posterboard. Clip images that represent your goal from magazines, or print them from your computer.Lay out your images until they cover the sheet of paper nicely the affix them with a glue stick.
Don't have magazines and glue? Make your own vision board on your PC!Copy images from the web and arrange them using Microsoft paint or your favorite image editing program. Be sure to save it! Then you can set it as your wallpaper.
The most important thing is that you look at your vision board daily. It will help propel you faster toward your goal. Place it somewhere where it's easily seen.
What's on your vision board?
Things we learned so far:
The Beginning
Day 1 Visualize
Day 2 Just Write
Day 3 Create the Life You Want
Day 4 Eliminate Limiting Beliefs
Day 5 Spread the Happy
Day 6 Love
Day 7 Affirmations
Day 8 Motivation
Day 9 Shit Happens
Day 10 Weekend Warriors
Day 11 Get Lean and Fit With... Your Brain?
Day 12 Level Up You Life
Day 13 For Your Future You
Day 14 Persistence
Day 15 Change Thought Habits
Day 17 Ever Onward! & RecapImages via creative commons
I appreciate your support :)
With Love and Light and Good Mojo to my Tribe!
Remember to follow
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When Your Human Brothers Won't Play With You
Level Up You Life
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