The Universe is in a Constant State of Flow. So Must You Be. #ManifestChallenge Day 18

Everything is constantly moving. From the waters in the river to the planets in the galaxy, everything is in a constant state of flow.

Even a boulder, standing strong and steady at the base of the mountain. It is composed of rapidly moving atoms.

As is your body. Right now.

Children grow older and taller, then flow out of the home to create their own lives and children.

You cannot hold things still. It is not the natural state of things. Dam the river and it overflows off the sides and eventually breaks through the dam. Bind the childs feet but they continue to grow. Yet grotesque and deformed.

What happens when you hold your breath? Besides the fact that you can't for long before it forces you back to the regular state, your lungs start hurting. Your heart beats faster. Everything is, well, not right when you hold it.

Money, too, must flow. Hoarding money causes stagnation. As does the mere thought of hoarding money.

The natural state of all things is movement. Flow.

Same goes for your thoughts. You cannot hold a thought, it eventually glides along it's way to be replaced by another. Then another.

When visualizing your goal, you must let it go after the exercise. You cannot hold onto it. You must set it out into the Universe. It will come back to you. And you will focus on it again, infusing power into it, making it real as if it's happening now, then send it on it's way into the Universe again to pick up what it needs to.

Not only must your visualizations feel natural for you, you must also allow them to flow in order to materialize.

Images via Pexels

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I appreciate your support :)

With Love and Light and Good Mojo to my Tribe!


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Remember to follow


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