Running Out Of SteemIt Blog Post Ideas? Problem Solved!

Never suffer from writer's block again. Here is an entire month of content ideas that will make sure your followers will stay interested and engaged!


Post Once A Day

When you first start out on SteemIt, everyone gives you the advice to post at least once a day.
By doing so, you create consistency, which is appreciated by your followers.

But having to come up with a new post every day can add a lot of pressure to your SteemIt adventure.


New Ideas

For the first couple of weeks, coming up with a new idea for a post shouldn’t be a problem.

But after a while, it might get harder and harder to come up with something new.

After all, you need to make sure your followers don’t lose interest. This means you have to bring some variation in your post. Posting a report about what you had for breakfast day in day out will eventually bore your followers, and you will lose them.


The Solution

To make sure you never run out of ideas, you can work with a weekly or monthly social media calendar.

Basically, such a calendar is a visual overview of which content to post on every day of the week or month.

If you do a Google search, you’ll find plenty of those social media calendars that will give you hundreds of ideas.

But you don’t even need Google...


Spiritualmax’ Steem Blog Post Ideas: The Ultimate Monthly Blueprint

A while ago, I bumped into a post by @spiritualmax in which he gives you a social media calendar, specifically for SteemIt.

In the post, he shares with you an entire month of post ideas.

The post has reached post-payout a long time ago, but I thought the information was really worth sharing with you again.

You’ll find the link to the post below. Bookmark it, and visit the page whenever you run out of ideas on what to post.

Or you can simply follow the schedule for a whole month and follow up on the results on your number of followers and the amount of engagement.

I won’t keep you any longer. Simply click the link below to visit @spiritualmax’ content calendar.

Spiritualmax’ Steem Blog Post Ideas: The Ultimate Monthly Blueprint




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