Garden of Fragrance - Market Friday

The Garden of Fragrance

The Holidays are upon us!! Hanukka is well on its way, the Winter Solstice is coming up quickly, Christmas is right around the corner, Boxing day, Kwanzaa, New Years, Iranian and Chinese New Years all are very, very soon. And probably countless other religious and cultural holidays I am not familiar with are being celebrated now or soon.

Let's not forget the many birthdays which fall at this time of the year. The December and January babies really like to NOT get combination presents. So many presents to get and to give.

If you are not done with your shopping yet (and I know many of you aren't), here is an excellent solution for you.

Give the gift of Fragrance!!

I went to check out this wonderful store for you and will show you in a minute what I found.

Here is the wonderful news for you. They ship!! Your order can be shipped to you or to the one you want to shower with some love.

Gift Set


These are some of the prepacked gift options- but keep scrolling. You will see so much more!


Simple, but elegant. A tile to hold an incense stick.

And here is what you all get in the gift set.


And let me share something very important here. We don't really like to talk about this much, but the fact is that the US has one of the largest prison populations in the world. Many have a loved one in custody and want to send gifts to them as well. The Garden of Fragrance is approved to send to Institutions and the friendly folks at the store and on the phone can help you!!

In case that the link above doesn't work, here it is again.

The Oils

But incense sets is not all you can find in this wonderful store.

Look at this wall of oils!!!

And there are more!!


Here are some oils already in smaller bottles.

You choose what size you want for yourself or to send as a gift.

Incense Sticks

Do you love burning incense sticks? I remembered when that was a Hippie thing (oops. Yes, I am old enough to remember). Now, and for many years, many people have made burning of incense a daily habit.

Of course, some religious practices include this, but many of us just like to set the mood with a favorite scent. Or, after cooking something with a distinct smell filling the house, burning some incense might be just the thing to turn your house back into a lovely, sweet-smelling home.

The Garden of Fragrance got you covered!


But it gets even better!! Maybe you like to make your own or you need to start a little business of your own. You can find everything you need to make your own incense in one place.




If you are ready to start your own incense business, become a wholesale customer and buy in bulk!
Let me show you some more of the behind the scenes. Can you believe how much oils can be found here!!


And containers galore! There are many more sizes at the store.

Imgur Imgur

Imgur Imgur

As a customer, you can buy one small bottle of oil, or all the supplies to start your own business. I call that one-stop shopping at its best!!

Some More Finds at the Store

When you walk into the store, it is so very peaceful. And this wall hanging speaks to the motto of all at the Garden of Fragrance.


How about a hat?


Or one of my favorites - a smudging stick made from Sage.


Finally, a last view at the counter and you might even see me if you look hard enough.


Let me know if you started your own business selling perfume oils, incense sticks or both! I would love to know.

This is my contribution to #MarketFriday initiated by @dswigle. Check out her post and check out all the posts sharing markets from all over the world!! You will love it!!


All images are my own unless otherwise cited.


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