Conscious and Subconscious Mind Awakening - Understanding the Differences

Your mind is very powerful.

When you understand how it works and use it to your best potential, the feeling of clarity plus the ability to execute or perform better will enhance every inch of your life!

Conscious Mind:

This is your thinking self. It could overthink, second guess, doubt, indecisive, fear, bring you down the wrong path if you are not aware of your mind making decisions based on all these thoughts and feelings.

Subconscious Mind:

Will never lie to you. Has no emotion, just speaks the truth! This part of your mind will speak to you first if you are willing to listen. It is quite and subtle. You must train yourself to listen to it and understand it is guiding you towards your destiny, truth, and safety.

Our brain stores billions amounts of data that our mind can pull up whenever needed. Your memory is strong and when information is needed, it will always come right to you, unless you block it will your conscious mind.

If you allow it and do not force anything the answers will always come to you initially. What can happen and what does happen to the average person is they let there conscious thinking mind take over and start to justify why other ways are better.

This is why we must clear out all our mental blocks because if not, emotions can take over and start to justify again why a certain choice is better.

This is just a quick breakdown of the two minds in my own words. There are many relating topics on this that I will dive into but will save those for another upcoming post.

Have a great day!

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