Coffee Time Meditation #4 -- Aug. 29th

“The simplicity of life will make your life richer and fuller than trying to fit more in and having more. Just focus on what is important.” — Kathy Stanton

Thoughts on Today’s Quote

I often find myself running from place to place fulfilling commitments that I made more because of others expectations than my own. I allow my life to be cluttered with expectations.

For a time, I was dropping what I was doing and stepping in to look after a job that someone else wasn’t keeping their commitment to, often at the drop of a hat. I found myself juggling what I wanted to do with what I should be doing.

Then I got sick. I kept on meeting those expectations, putting my own wishes aside to make room for that illness. I figured it was just a bug and if I made a bit of room, it would leave. It didn’t. I ended up in hospital and then a long recovery time.

That illness forced some people to step up and do things that previously I was doing because no one would step up. It decluttered my life. As my strength came back, I decided that the buck would no longer stop with me.

I took back the tasks I truly enjoyed doing and only those.

After almost four decades of doing my duty first and what was important to me second, I am now able to focus on what is important to me.

That means I have more time for writing. More time for reading. More time for spending quality time with myself doing what I want.

Have you decluttered your life? Do you want to declutter it?

Who is Kathy Stanton?

I couldn’t find a biography on Kathy Stanton but did learn she is an author of several Kindle books on Amazon. Her niche is decluttering, living a simple life and minimalism. You can find her author page here.

*I will try to find information on the author of the quotes I share. I wont always be successful.

Don’t know about you, but I find it interesting to know who the person was that anyone took the time to record or quote that person.*

About Coffee Time Meditation

I love being inspired by other people’s quotes. I thought I’d start sharing some quotes that inspire me along with my own thoughts the quote evokes within me. So, think of someone, like me, sitting quietly with the first fresh coffee of the day and mediating about the words of the quote. That would be me, or it could be you.

I invite you to share your own thoughts on the quote in the comments.

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Have a great day
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