Ride De India 2017 | Day 7: Vadodara to Ahmedabad | Exploring Ahmedabad

Continuation of Ride De India 2017: A 43 Days, 11,000 Kilometers Motorcycle Journey around India.

Routemap: Ride De India 2017

I've been deviating a lot lately from the main intention of opening my account on Steemit. I started off to share my motorcycle journeys and travelogues with everyone but have been posting random stuff lately. This has been making me feel dissatisfied.

I'm the kind of guy who likes to keep everything perfect and clean. You can call me a perfectionist when it comes to my blogs, books, work space, home, Instagram account, my bike or anything that's close to me. If this were not a block chain, I would have deleted a lot of my posts that I consider unworthy or deviating me away from my goals.

Since this is a blockchain and I cannot do anything about what is done, I'll let bygones be bygones and post only when I think the content is worthy. This way I can stick to my aim of keeping my blog neat and also provide valuable content to the community.

You can check out the previous parts of my journey here before continuing with day 7:

Day 7:

We woke up very late and started from our hotel "Veronica" in Vadodara at 1 pm.  

Our rides all loaded.

Google maps said it would take around 2 hours for us to reach Ahmedabad and we decided to ride there and have our brunch. We had to travel 111 kilometers.

A photo with the Mile Board is mandatory on such rides.

On the way to Ahmedabad.

Short Break. Denzil (L), Manu (R)

We reached Ahmedabad around 3:30 pm and spent a lot of time searching for a budget hotel. While we were at it, we found this hotel called House of MG which showed a budget price online but when we reached there and enquired, they said it was Rs. 10,000 for a night. It was too expensive and we had to manage our finances for 43 days.

Denzil (L), Me (R)

So, the search continued and we finally found a decent one called "Hotel Centra" for Rs. 1200. Once we found it, one of the riders, Manu separated from us and went to meet his relatives. He would be staying with them for the night.

The room was pretty good. We got freshened up after and had our brunch in a nearby South Indian restaurant. We had Khichdi. It was pretty tasty and we decided to have our dinner in the same place. Unfortunately I don't have a picture of the place. It's pretty close to Hotel Centra in Ahmedabad and styled like a Chinese building.

We asked the locals about the best places to visit nearby and they suggested us Siddi Sayyed Mosque, Kankaria Lake and Sabarmati Ashram. We headed to the Mosque which was the closest destination from our hotel.

Spot me!

Here are a few photos of the Mosque:

Notice the beautiful arches and pillars of the mosque. The mosque is built in Indo-Islamic style of architecture using Yellow Sandstone.

This place is also called "Jaali Waali Masjid" by the locals because of it's beautifully carved stone slabs in the design of intertwined trees and foliage and a palm motif as you can see in the below photograph. It depicts the tree of life.

It was built by Sidi Saiyyid in 1572 AD. We met a sweet old man who was praying. He called us over when he spotted us taking photos of the place and started telling us stories about the place.

By then it was getting late. We were to meet an old friend of mine who was working in Ahmedabad. She had been following updates of our ride and would be showing us around Ahmedabad. We bade farewell to the old man and rode to Sabarmati Riverfront to pick her up. We then rode to Kankaria lake. We didn't know how beautiful the place would be until we saw it with our own eyes.

source : travdiary.com

Here are some of the images we clicked:

And another side:

This place was like an amusement park. It had a small train that would take you around the lake and show everything that's there. There were many public attractions like zoo, kids city, tethered balloon ride, water rides, food stalls and other entertainment facilities. It's worth visiting if you happen to be in Ahmedabad.

That's my friend Namratha (L), Denzil (M) and Me (R)

It was pretty late by the time we explored the whole place and we had to leave to Ajmer, Rajasthan the next day. We had dinner in a nearby restaurant, dropped our friend to her place and then headed to our Hotel and dozed off. It was a day well spent.

Thanks for reading!

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Stay tuned for Day 8.

Follow me @wandereronwheels for Motorcycle Adventures around India!

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