MSP Waves Radio - Pennsif's Alternative Lifestyle Show - Guest List Schedule for Friday 9 March - @woman-onthe-wing, @happysmileyman, @freedompoint, @movement19, @moonunit, @andysantics48

This week's Alternative Lifestyle Show begins in a bit over 2 hours..

We have added one more guest to the lineup for today's show.

One of @goldendawne's Golden Ambassadors - @freedompoint - is joining us as our second guest from the USA on this week's show.

Unfortunately there was no recording of last Friday's show due to technical difficulties but the previous week's show is available if you want to get a flavour of what the show is about (@pennsif/mp7ann5q).

The guests on the show in the order they will be appearing are :

  • @freedompoint - a knifemaking vegan accidental homesteader based in the Ozarks in the USA

  • @happysmileyman - UK based nomad who blogs about his life living in a van, and also about nature, healing and unusual extraordinary things

  • @moonunit - Ireland-based vegan now planning a move to open a Vegan Tapas Bar in a Spanish speaking land

  • @woman-onthe-wing - founder of the #makeithealthy project, promoting health and healthy food, based in Ireland.

  • @andysantics48 - farmer, homesteader and gardener from New Zealand who is also documenting her 'Downhill Slide to 50' weight loss progress

  • @movement19 - anarcho-agorist, zero waste coach, proponent for psychedelic medicine and manager of the Eye Heart Organic homestead project in the USA

Alongside these great guests if the timings go well we'll be playing a few more rounds of the 60 Second Quiz.

So sharpen up your typing fingers, and have a votable post ready to drop if you win. You'll have 60 seconds to answer the questions. First correct answer wins a full upvote from me (currently $1.50).

I look forward to seeing you all on Friday. The show follows @Uniwhisp's Emotion Integration show.

Each week the Alternative Lifestyle Show will be cover a whole range of topics including :

  • homesteading
  • prepping
  • homeschooling
  • tiny houses
  • complimentary medicine
  • alternative energy
  • cooking, particularly low meat, vegetarian and vegan
  • permaculture and organic gardening

If you have a passion for any of these subjects and would like to come on future shows please drop a comment below or find me on Discord at Pennsif#9921.

The Alternative Lifestyle Show is on MSP Waves Radio.

It is on Fridays, 10pm - midnight UTC.

If you are not sure of your local times check :

You will be able to listen through the PAL Discord server, via or on Twitch at

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[ header graphic by @pennsif // new fox head logo by @dreemsteem ]

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