I Still Buy Steem - can we bypass the exchanges and trade directly?

A couple of months ago I posted that I buy steem - directly.

Since then I have developed a network of a dozen or so steemians around the world that I regulary buy steem from directly. This bypasses the exchanges and makes swapping between steem and fiat cheaper and faster.

But that network doesn't always have steem to sell, particularly when the steem price is low.

So I am currently looking to add to that network.

Do you often have steem that you would like to sell - quickly and cheaply?

If so I may be able to help.

I regularly buy small amounts of steem - usually up to 50 steem at a time (maybe larger when I have got to know you).

I do not aim to profit from the trades. For me it is purely to avoid the costs and delays of using the exchanges.

I use Coinmarket Cap and the BBC to get exchange rate information. The only fees are those taken by the specific transfer system and they are passed on at cost.

Trust of course may be an issue. There are no hard and fast rules but I generally look for some form of mutual acquntaince or referral.

Usually it can be worked out.

In the UK the money transfer is generally done by Paypal, BACS or Amazon Gift Card and for those UK trades there are generally no costs involved.

For other parts of the world I commonly use PayPal, but can also look at Western Union and TransferWise.

If anyone has steem to sell please let me know in a comment below or via Discord @pennsif#9921

Let's push decentralisation a little bit further, and take a side-step round the exhanges.

I believe @jerrybanfield is currently developing some form of automated steem / fiat direct exhange system.

That will be great when it comes. Anyone know the timescale on that project now?

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[ graphic by @pennsif ]

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