7 of My Own Compositions to Kick Off the New Year

Hello everyone! Last year, I posted a weekly7 called "Revisiting 7 of My Own Compositions to Wind Down the Year". This year, I decided to make a weekly7 with 7 of my compositions, but this time to kick off the new year. 5 of these pieces weren't even written when I wrote that last article. Here are 7 of My Own Compositions to Kick Off the New Year:

7. Annabel Lee (2017)

I wrote this song for a performance back in March. I had thought of the theme for the song several months before, but being myself, I had to procrastinate writing it until the day before the performance. I dislike this piece because of how I developed the theme originally. I plan to eventually rewrite it, but for right now, here is Annabel Lee (with words from the popular poem by Edgar Allan Poe):

6. Emily's Eyes (2015)

I wrote this piece for a girl I liked back in the winter of 7th grade. This piece is probably my most popular piece amongst my peers. I performed this piece during 2017, and thought it would be a good piece to include as a result. Here is Emily's Eyes:

5. My Doubts Resolved (2016)

I wrote this for my statement of faith for my conformation in 8th grade. I also recently performed this, and as a result decided to post this.

4. March (2017)

Sequentially, this is the first song (that has been written) from my song cycle that will play. I used the poem "March" by William Cullen Bryant. Bryant is now one of my favorite poets. I got mixed feedback from my several teachers about whether the piano part for this piece should be so "busy." But I decided that I like the piano part, it is not super hard, and it depicts the poem (stormy March: Rain = Treble, Thunder = Bass) quite well. You also might notice that I foreshadow October towards the end. Here is March:

3. October (2017)

I began writing this piece over the summer, when I stumbled on the poem in my Robert Frost poetry book. I immediately thought of the melody, and finished it very quickly. This version has parallel fifths, I later fixed that, but have not yet uploaded the revised version. Here is October:

2. In Memorium (2017)

I wrote this piece in memory of Bianca Roberson, the young woman who was tragically killed in a road rage incident over the summer. Here is the piece:

1. Sonata no. 1 Movements 2,3,4

I only have to write movement 1 to complete this sonata. I made a video with revised versions of each of these movements, but the computer I saved it to won't start properly, so I have to post the old versions. All three of these movements were written in 2017. If my computer works, I will revise this to have only the one video:

All Previous Weekly7s

7 Relaxing Classical Pieces You Should Try to Listen to This Week
7 Songs from Broadway Musicals You Should Try to Listen to This Week
7 Songs By Billy Joel That Should Have Been Hits
7 Exhilarating Classical Pieces You Should Listen to This Week
7 Classical Composers That Wrote Extremely Famous Christmas Music
7 Love Ballads You Should Listen to This Week
7 Pieces of Classical Music Used in Popular Movies
7 Piano Sonatas YOU Should Listen to This Week
7 Movies About Artists You Should Watch (This Week)
Revisiting 7 of My Own Compositions to Wind Down the Year
7 Pieces by Gabriel Fauré YOU Should listen to This Week
7 Fantastic Sports Related Movies YOU Should Watch This Week
7 Songs I've Been Listening to this Week in Remembrance of My Great Grandmother
7 One-Hit-Wonders You probably Forgot About but Will Recognize Right Away
7 Magic Tricks That Will Probably Amaze You
7 Disney Songs You Should Listen to This Week
7 Piano Concertos You Should Listen to This Week
7 (+3) Of Vivaldi's Compositions in Honor of His Birthday
7 Of The Funniest Musical Comedic Skits
7 Great (Classical) Songs YOU Should Listen to this Week
7 Fantasias You Should Listen to this Week
7 (More) Relaxing Classical Pieces You Should Try to Listen to This Week
7 Symphonies You Should Listen to this Week
7 Classical Pieces That Will Make Your Blood Boil
7 Pieces of Miltary Tech that Will Blow Your Mind
7 Oboe Concertos YOU Should Listen to this Week
7 Bassoon Concertos YOU Should Listen to this Week
7 French horn Concertos YOU Should Listen to this Week
7 Scenes from The Big Bang Theory YOU should Watch this Week
7 Violin Concertos YOU Should Listen to this Week
7 of My Own Compositions to Kick Off the New Year

Thanks for reading/listening to this! I hope you enjoyed these pieces. My next Confucian Analects post will be on Monday at 6pm. See you then!

Also remember to check for: My weekly 7 post, As well as my composer birthday posts
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