Album of the day #7 Witch -s/t

If you know Dinosaur Jr, you will recognize J Masics. Witch is one of his side projects, though here he plays drums instead of guitar.

Witch -s/t (2006)

I don't know what it is with this album that makes it addictive. It just is. The sound is increadible, the vocal is somewhat muted, still powerful when needed. Yes, sound. J Masics uses some gigantic bass drums that sounds like nothing else.

There are no fillers here, I can just let it play from start to end without worrying of boredom or impending rage over wasting my hearing on shit. Quite to the contrary the appreciation over a diverse album, I pick different songs depending on the mood. "Seer" has been and still is the favorite, but once it is finnished, I meander in to the other tunes like there is nothing to it.

If I had to choose 3 stoner albums to take to my grave, this would most certainly be one of them. Stoner can be a very limited genre, but this is pure bliss in my ears.

Previous entries to this series (They need some upvotes, peeps):

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