The Trout - One Of My Favorite Classic Music 鳟鱼五重奏--我最喜欢的古典音乐之一


Looking at these lively and vivacious fishes, it always reminds me of a classical music from the trout five duet of Schubert. This is a vigorous piece, with a wonderfully melodic and tuneful, which I very like. Among Schubert's best-known chamber music, the delightful Trout Quintet for Piano and strings is the most famous written on one of his few holidays.

When I listen to the piece, I feel like a fish swimming happily in the water. In the classic music, we can live the life we want, and let our heart be immersed in a quiet place.


The whole work is divied into five movements, but I especially love the fourth movement of the trout five duet.
Variations not only contains the beauty of violin's tone, but also the sympathies and sad of the cello. Furthermore, it contains the glitz of piano and heavy chords.

As if it were telling us happy freedom and the good time will eventually come.

The Trout is originally a poem written by Schubart, who was a German poet and was arrested for political reasons. He wanted to express the social discontent and the desiring for freedom by the poem. And then Schubert saw the poem and was deeply moved. So he determined to compose it. Two years later, he changed it into a variation, and plus other movements,these were composed the Trout Quintet. The trout is the fourth movement and also is the most famous movement,telling us a story- a trout swimming in the water, and then caught by fisherman.

In fact,it also symbolize these good and lovely young men, who just enter the society and often meet some difficulties. It remind them that they must protect your self and can't be bullied by evil people.

Music is the art whose speech begins when language becomes inadequate. I think that's true.

Now close your eyes and enjoy the wonderful music if you feel tired.






都说语言的尽头是音乐, 确实是这样。当我们遭遇到一些命运般的事件,往往百感交集,无法用语言来表达,这时候音乐就是最好的表达。


Photos were taken by me in the park.

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