My street + playing around with background compression

winner.JPG Click me for fullsize


I looove this view. Whole scene is just perfect :) Big mountains in the background with a picturesque roundabout "decorated" with a nice little tree and a statue. Plus all these old-ish building typical for Innsbruck just give it even better atmosphere. If someone says Tirol, this view is what comes to my mind. It's Sonnenburgstrasse. It's my street :)

Playing with background compression

As I've mentioned in my last picture post, I've got myself a new camera. What I wanted to do with this pic is to make those mountains seem as big and as close as possible. Kind of almost leaning above the street. I've followed mostly this tutorial and I think it worked out pretty well :)

Sonnenburgstrasse, Innsbruck 6020


Zboznujem tento pohlad. Cela scena je uplne perfektna :) Obrovske hory v pozadi a pred nimi ucupeny malinky kruhovy objazd ozdobeny stromom a sochou. Plus typicke stare budovy typicke pre cele Tirolsko tomu vsetkemu dodavaju este lepsiu atmosferu. Ked niekto spomenie Tirolsko, tento pohlad je to, co sa mi vynori v hlave :)

Hranie sa s background compression

Ako som spomenul v minulom poste, kupil som si "novy" fotak. Co som chcel s touto foto docielit bolo, aby tie hory vyzerali tak vysoke a tak blizko ako sa len da. Akoby sa az nahynali nad ulicu. Nasiel som tento tutorial + par dalsich a myslim, ze to celkom zafungovalo ci? :)

Sonnenburgstrasse, Innsbruck 6020

Default photo on authomatic mode would look like this (not taken on the same day btw) / Obycajna foto s auto modom by vyzerala takto (nebola spravena v ten isty den btw).
First photo is also my entry for today´s #streetphotography contest hosted by @juliank.

You can find my latest posts here:

  1. [My 3 months in Pakistan #4] Lahore - traffic, cuisine, city & Badshahi mosque
  2. I know Jack Shit about photography ... aka My first "photoshoot"
  3. Innsbruck old town - colourful houses and upcoming CSD parade
  4. Surviving only on steemit rewards [DAY 3 - Fasting]
  5. Challenge - Surviving only on steemit rewards [DAY 2 - dumpdving]
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