Introducing: The First Steemit Sole Survivor Contest - 20 STEEM Grand Prize - Status: ON!

Source: CBS

Survivors Ready? Go!

With the official cast revealed for Survivor Season 37 - David vs. Goliath yesterday by CBS, I'm very pleased to introduce the first ever in history...

Steemit Sole Survivor Contest!

The first episode Survivor - David vs. Goliath will air on the 26th of September on CBS, but this post signals the official start of the main contest which will run from now until approximately the 19th of December, 2018.

How to Participate

  1. Pick the Survivor that you think will win this season from the list of 20 contestants below.
  2. Write your choice in the comment section of this post.
  3. If your pick is crowned the champion of Survivor - David vs. Goliath, YOU WIN!
    Simple as that!

Worth Playing For? (The Prizes)

  • WINNER: 20 STEEM to the Steemian who correctly guesses the winner of Survivor 37 - David vs. Goliath by Monday the 24th of September at 6pm Eastern Standard Time (EST).
  • FIRST RUNNER UP: At least one Steem Basic Income (SBI) share provided by contest sponsor @freedomshift through his #ccc initiative if your Survivor choice to win finishes the season in second place. See below for more info on the #ccc initiative.
  • BOOBY PRIZE: @rentmoney had a great idea of rewarding the first loser, so has kindly added a booby prize. If your chosen survivor has the unfortunate distinction of being the FIRST to be voted out on the first episode, @rentmoney will give you a starter @dustsweeper account! There will be a maximum of 5 @dustsweeper starter accounts provided - if more than 5 qualify, @rentmoney will use a random generator to pick who gets the accounts.
  • PLUS - A BONUS GAME IS HAPPENING RIGHT NOW! Because the contest has attracted 20 participants, contest sponsor @o07 will award a lucky winner one ounce of silver including shipping costs! THIS BONUS GAME IS HAPPENING RIGHT NOW and if we get another 20 participants @o07 will run another silver giveaway! See below for details.
  • ADDITIONAL PRIZES: May be added if we pick up sponsorships along the way.

Steemit Sole Survivor Contest Rules

  • Pick the ONE contestant who you think will be the winner at the end of this season of Survivor - David vs. Goliath. Guesses must be placed in the comment section of THIS POST by the 24th of September at 6pm Eastern Standard Time (EST).
  • If more than one Steemian correctly picks the Sole Survivor, the 20 Steem prize will be split evenly between those with the winning pick.
  • If no Steemian guesses correctly, prizes will be as follows: 15 STEEM for the Steemian whose contestant remains in the game the longest, 5 STEEM for the Steemian that stays in second longest and the SBI share(s) will given to the Steemian whose pick lasts third longest.
  • Entries in the comment section below will be accepted until Monday the 24th of September at 6pm Eastern Standard Time (EST). At that point, your choice will be locked. Until that time, feel free to edit, delete, change as desired. I will create a final post summarizing everyone's final and locked picks.
  • Survivor seasons can be unpredictable - I'll do my best to fairly distribute the prizes in case of any ties or major twists!

Come on in guys!

Enough talk, let's meet the castaways!

David Tribe

Source: CBS

According to the official Survivor website, the ten David Tribe members have had to overcome some sort of adversity in their lives.

David Tribe members are - back row, left to right - Elizabeth Olson, Carl Boudreaux, Nick Wilson, Davie Rickenbacker, Pat Cusack. And front row, left to right: Bi Nguyen, Lyrsa Torres, Jessica Peet, Gabby Pascuzzi, Christian Hubicki.

Goliath Tribe

Source: CBS

According to the official Survivor website, the ten Goliath Tribe members tend to capitalize on their individual advantages and use it against their opponents.

Goliath Tribe members are - back row, from left to right - Jeremy Crawford, Alec Merlino, Alison Raybould, John Hennigan, Dan Rengering. And front row, from left to right: Mike White, Natalie Cole, Kara Kay, Natalia Azoqa, Angelina Keeley

Not enough info to make a 20 Steem decision? For host Jeff Probst's take on the contestants, check out his thoughts on the Davids here and his assessment of the Goliaths here.

It is Time to Vote

This contest is ON! Out of the 20 Survivor - David vs. Goliath contestants listed above, who do you think will be this season's Sole Survivor?

Let's see those guesses in the comment section below!

Bonus Game Unlocked!

Since we have attracted 20 participants, a bonus game has been unlocked by contest sponsor @o07. This bonus game is in addition to the main contest and is happening right now and the prize is one ounce of silver!

As outlined in my previous post here's how it works: using a randomized team maker I have paired each of the 20 Steemians who confirmed contest participation in the comments on my previous posts with each of the 20 Survivor contestants. If your assigned contestant wins this Survivor season, @o07 will ship you an ounce of silver and will even cover shipping costs!

Here are the pairings of the 20 Steemians and 20 Survivors:

@o07Kara Kay
@doctorcryptoNick Wilson
@dfinneyAngelina Keeley
@franciscana23Christian Hubicki
@the-witty-waiterBi Nguyen
@rentmoneyDavie Rickenbacker
@suitcasemamaJohn Hennigan
@izaidJeremy Crawford
@steven-patrickDan Rengering
@toddcurryPat Cusack
@celinavisaezLyrsa Torres
@mimismartypantsNatalia Azoqa
@fronttowardenemyMike White
@dragsCarl Boudreaux
@gabrielatravelsGabby Pascuzzi
@fuentesjo3006Alec Merlino
@happymeAlison Raybould
@aussieninjaElizabeth Olson
@pbockJessica Peet
@eojNatalie Cole

If you're just finding the contest now, it's not too late to get in on the bonus. If we reach another 20 participants by the contest deadline on the 24th of September, we will run another bonus game with another ounce of @o07's silver as the prize! Just make a guess for the main contest in the comments below and you'll be added to the participant list. Once there are 20 new participants, we'll run another bonus round.

And Now a Word from Our Sponsors

  1. @freedomshift has kindly offered to contribute at least 1 SBI share towards the Steemit Sole Survivor Contest. He does this all the time through #ccc, please go check him out and consider joining the #ccc initiative! Thank you @freedomshift!
  2. In addition to participating himself, @o07 has made the incredibly generous offer to contribute an ounce of silver complete with shipping costs. Thank you @o07!

Many thanks to both @freedomshift and @o07 for their kind offers! Please check them out to see what they're up to these days!

Special Thanks

Special thanks to the @rentmoney, @costanza, @pifc/ @thedarkhorse trifecta for their support through the Pay It Forward Contest. You brought a lot of support and interest to the Steemit Sole Survivor Contest, thank you!

Previously on Survivor

@suitcasemama and I are huge (and extremely nerdy) fans of the American reality show called Survivor. You know the one - where you have to survive on a deserted island, play silly challenges, and vote people off the island. I put out a post a few weeks ago to gauge interest in a Steemit Survivor Contest. Since then I've been saving up Steem to be able to award a large 20 Steem Prize. Good news, I've reached my goal and now have the 20 Steem prize just waiting to award to the winning Steemian!

The Tribe Has Spoken

I will also occasionally run weekly contests where you will guess who's next to be voted off the island. I may run a mid-season contest as well, depending on interest. These are in addition to this main contest so they will be in separate posts. Look for those announcements, coming soon!

Good luck to all and I hope you enjoy the contest!

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Allow Me to Introduce Myself! | Husband / Father / Humanitarian / Traveler / Expat Abroad


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I'm also running a super nerdy Top Ten Cryptocurrency Experiement for 2018 over at my @starthere account. Check it out if you're into that sort of thing...

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@eoj is also supported by @steemfunding - 50 SP delegation until I reach 100 SP:

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A big thanks to @steemfunding!

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