One (or two) photo everyday: New microphone (207/365)


I almost forgot to tell this to you guys, but...

Got Sony?
Look what I got for Christmas!

Camera body: Canon EOS 550D
Lens: EF-S18-55mm ƒ/3.5-5.6 III
Focal length: 49 mm
Aperture: ƒ/5.6
Exposure:  0.6 s
ISO: Dual-ISO 100+200

A brand new microphone! I'm so going to start making more of those podcast photography videos and some go videos and maybe I'll play some recorder for you guys to gringe on. (Edit: "Cringe"! Typos are so cringy sometimes.)

Yea, Shure!
Just kidding!

Camera body: Canon EOS 550D
Lens: EF-S18-55mm ƒ/3.5-5.6 III
Focal length: 49 mm
Aperture: ƒ/7.1
Exposure:  1 s
ISO: Dual-ISO 100+200

You know what I got for Christmas, don't you?

Now I kind of overlit this one too much. I used too much hard light, and while I was wanting to kill the shadows in the background, I ended up overblowing some features on the microphone. The backlighting may have killed most of the shadows, but it created a slight problem with the Shure sticker. So this wasn't a great shot by any standards.

I think I need some backdrops so I won't have to shoot against just a yellow wall or purple curtains anymore. I'm growing a bit fed up with those. ;)

Yea, and if you didn't guess it already, the "bike handle" from that Trezor photo was actually this mic boom that's visible in the background.

But gotta go now, see you later guys! :)

Public OPED Project Announcement:

One Photo Everyday is not just a challenge nor just a series of posts on Steemit but it’s our way of providing valuable pictures everyday to our amazing community in order to promote the storytelling through the lens of the cameras.

Feel free to join our discord server.

We've created channels where people can find other like-minded photographers wanting to pursue a daily routine, and create their own 365 project. If you fall into motivational or inspirational problems, there'll be a channel where you may seek help. There's also a channel for sharing tips and advice in photography.

[Previous post: One photo every day: Cranberry & cashew bread, macro photography. (206/365)]

Previously in 365, One photo every day:



Furry Frost (200/365)
Quick snapshot of our windowsill plants. (201/365)
Cataloguing the plants Part #1, Miro's Cactus (202/365)
Cataloguing the plants Part #2, Leo's Echinocactus grusonii (203/365)
Pictbot photo machine review and a photo collage (204/365)
Cataloguing the plants Part #3, Leo's Senecio serpens (205/365)
Cranberry & cashew bread, macro photography. (206/365)

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