A pagan celebration of spring - Happy Ostara everyone!

Ostara is the second minor sabbath of the pagan year (there are 4 major and 4 minor). It celebrates spring and everything connected to it. As we notice the snow melting and animals coming out of their winter lairs, we are starting with our planting of the first seeds. The main aspect of this sabbath is the new birth. Everything is being reborn in the nature that surrounds us. This is also the time when the Goddess is seen as a Mother for the first time. A lot of people are still celebrating her as a Maiden and will be doing so until she gives birth. She is often presented as a woman of long red hair surrounded by green nature, holding rabbits and flowers. In this time of connection between the God and the Goddess, night and day have the same length and we are also celebrating the spring equinox.

History of Ostara

The word Ostara comes from the German Goddess of spring and dawn Eostare. Her name comes from words that are related to dawn and rays coming from the East. Some even say that the hormone estrogen also got its name from her. Eostara is the Goddess of fertility and her symbols are eggs and rabbits. Legend tells a story of how she found a wounded bird and saved her life by turning her into a rabbit. That was not an ordinary rabbit because he was still able to lay eggs like a bird. Out of his gratitude, he decorated some eggs and gave them to Goddess as a gift. She loved them so much that she decided to share them with everyone. Until this day, decorated eggs are a common present to give someone on this sabbath.

Traditions and customs

The main custom here is the colouring of eggs and giving them as presents to our friends and family. People usually go for a walk in nature and observe the animals and plants. Rituals that are performed are bound to new beginnings, creation and birthing of ideas, plans and actions. On the last sabbath (Imbolc) we were getting rid of old habits and all the stuff that is not of use to us anymore, and now we have a fresh new start and an opportunity for new prosperous energies to come and bless us with abundance in everything we do. This is a good time to try on new clothes, jewellery, meet new people and start a new project.

THEMES: fertility, birth, beginning, sexuality
SYMBOLS: coloured and decorated eggs, green clothes, rabbits, flowers
PLANTS: spring flowers
FOOD: milk products, seeds, eggs, green leafy vegetables
COLOURS: green, gold, yellow
CRYSTALS: aquamarine, rose quartz, moonstone, agate, lapis lazuli

This is a great time for you to start something new. Meditate and think about what could you do in your physical and spiritual life that would bring you more growth, knowledge, experience and joy. Visit nature sites and observe the behaviour of animals. Admire the wildlife. Decorate some eggs and give them to those you love. Plant a seed and dedicate it to one of your goals. As you see the plant grow it will remind you of your personal growth. Fill yourself with brand new and fresh energy and feel the power in you that is pointing you toward your success. Sing, dance and rejoice life. Celebrate life!

Here is one of my favourite songs that is often played on this sabbath:

Correlations with other religions and paths

Pagans who are following the Greek tradition are celebrating the return of Persephone from Hades, and in the Celtic culture, we have Olwen from whose footsteps grow flowers. In the Babylonian culture, we are celebrating "Happy day" because Tammuz and Ishtar have returned from the underground, just as the Inanna has returned to Sumerians. The old Achaemenians have celebrated No Ruz (New Day) and there are also famous celebrations of Mithra for the Romans and the Return of the Sun Snake for the Mayas. In this time of year Jews are celebrating Pasha and Christians have the Easter celebration.

Have a blessed Ostara everyone, plant the seeds of your success and watch them grow. Keep your smile on and blessed be!


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