Introduction | 简介
River Hongbao is an event that happens during the Lunar New Year at The Float at Marina Bay in Singapore. It is a kind of annual Lunar New Year carnival where many lanterns will be displayed, games stalls, food stalls, rides and others will be set up. There are also performances. Part of the objective of this event organised by Singapore Tourism Board is to attract tourist. On the first day of the Lunar New Year, my wife and I usually visit relatives. In the evening, we decide to go to the River Hongbao. This is part 1 of a series of photos taken there.
River Hongbao | 春到河畔
There was crowd already there and even more crowded at the entrance.

An opportunity not to be missed. There was free wifi there. Just make sure I know th evacuation route.

The decorated path going in.

Starting to see the God of Wealth. Excited.

There are many people peddling balloons there. $5 each. Some people ended up losing their $5 to the sky.
有很多人在那里卖气球。 每个$ 5。 有些人买了却飞走了。失去了$5啦。

More people are coming in.

You can get some food and drinks from this truck.

More stalls in there.

Which comes first? The chicken or the egg.

Arrive to right in front of the God of Wealth.

To be continued | 待续

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Please see my other posts: @ace108
请看我其他帖: @ace108