Flowers for a good week ahead (20160814) - 好花让你好一周(20160814)。(by @ace108)

Flowers for a good week ahead (20160814) - 好花让你好一周
(20160814)。(by @ace108

Flowers By ace108

Note: All photos were taken by me using a mobile phone.

Here are few photographs of flowers which I have taken not too long ago.  I came out of the Dhoby Ghaut train station in Singapore heading to Istana Park to take photos of National Day decorations.
The post on the National Day decoration is this:
Happy Birthday! Singapore - 新加坡,生日快乐 (by @ace108)   
I saw some flowers at the road side and started taking some pictures and came along some bonus: butterflies and a curious reptile.
Happy Birthday! Singapore - 新加坡,生日快乐 (by @ace108)   

Here's a yellow butterfly I shot with the flowers.  I triedtaking a few shots of this one and kept scaring it away.这张的花儿有只黄蝴蝶做客。我试拍几张照片都把它吓走了。
With Yellow Butterfly

Here are a few shots of an orange butterfly who seems less worried about my mobile phone.
With Orange 1
With Orange B
With Orange C
One of the above shot is my entry to the SteemitPhotoChallenge here:
SteemitPhotoChallenge 4th round: Butterfly on flower (entry 2)   
其中一张我用来参与了最近的SteemitPhotoChallenge :
SteemitPhotoChallenge 4th round: Butterfly on flower (entry 2)   

Finally, I only unintentionally notice the curious reptile which is almost camouflage on the decorating stand.
With Chameleon.

Chameleon 2

Here are my previous flower posts:
Flowers for a good week ahead - 好花让你好一周。(by @ace108)
Flowers for a good week ahead - Spot the bee 好花让你好一周。(by @ace108)

Here are my recent entries to SteemitPhotoChallenge:
SteemitPhotoChallenge 4th round: Yellow flowers (entry 1)   
SteemitPhotoChallenge 4th round: Hibiscus (entry 3)   

Here are my recent post on food:
Why I was not hungry yesterday evening? - 为什么昨晚不觉得饿?(by ace108)   

Pokemon Go! dinner - Indian Thosai - Pokemon Go! 晚餐-印度菜   
Simple Dinner (Watercress Soup) - 简单的晚餐 (西洋菜汤) (by ace108)   
Dinner is served - grill or barbeque?- 开饭了- 烤烤 (by ace108)
Lontong for lunch, Double Happiness (Chendol) for desserts /马来咖喱饭团和马来甜品Chendol(by @ace108)
Snack on these lovely Bean Curd Tarts - 爱上这豆腐挞
Introducing Minced Pork Noodle-Michelin conquest 1; 肉脞面-米其林星之战1

Here's my recent post on a walk in Sembawang Park:
Join me for walk in the park (Sembawang Park) / 到三巴旺公园走走 (by @ace108)

More other posts for different topics from me at: @ace108

请观看我的其他帖: @ace108

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Thank you for reading.
Have a nice day.

#photography #nature #singapore #cn #flowerbyace108

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