Random Japan #11 :: Street Art

Whatever it is... it must be art!


Outside of major cities, graffiti isn't as common a sight in Japan as it is in many American cities. That makes this something of a rare find for me. I was exploring under a bridge—why? Well, why not?—when I came across this. Now... what the hell is it a picture of?? Any guesses?

BTW, my buddy @kaliju has just started a sister series to this exploring South Korea—called (wait for it) Random Korea. I'm excited to follow his series and I fully suggest you do too. Here's the first one.

Do you want to use this photo in one of your projects?
You can! See here for details.

Missed a past Random Japan? I've got you covered!

  1. Dancing Torii
  2. Busy Night
  3. The Store of the Beast
  4. Like a Boss
  5. Swimming Hole Warning
  6. Gotta Be the Hat
  7. The Walls Have Eyes
  8. Star Wars Coffee
  9. The Sake Corner
  10. Study or Play
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