
you want to pull the plug
but you can't
cause hope is thy fuel
that feeds your drive

you want to pull the plug
but you can't
cause you're chained in a pact
though you have never even had it signed

you want to pull the plug
cause seeing the mess pile up around here
sores your weary eyes
but you just can't , just not yet ...


you want to pull the plug
for you resonate not with the many ideologies
they introduce around ...but you just can't
despite their deafening screams ...

the mud throwing, name calling, back-stabbing,
betrayals, lies, pretense, all the bridges that have been burned
and the many candles that have all been put out ...
just tires your naive, already weary soul the more ...

all of these makes you want to pull the plug...
for there's too much encouragement of mediocrity going on
and you resonate not with that kind of programming in life
but you just, just can't ...


though your fire is almost burned out
you try to rekindle the dying embers
for you are but aware of the fact
that there is no other utopia greater than where you are now

and you re- think .. and constantly remind yourself
that thy goal is yet unreached
and giving everything up ...
would mean ... a bitter defeat

tired, scorched, emotionally battered
abused and oftenly hurt
you dare not pull the plug
for hope is the fuel that feeds your drives


you bear for the thought
that among the heap of mess around
are a few golden souls scattered around
probably sharing the very will you have ...

in finding happiness in being S T U C K ...
like raindrops on leaves at night ...
you want to pull the plug ..but you just can't ...
for you know .. the same things are happening, too ... outside ...


I took these pics at night and I just played with the filters on my phone to make it black and white. It was when I was working on it in Paint that I noticed that the raindrops on the Sedum leaves (they're three different plants by the way) have that effect of some poured acrylic paints on a canvas. I love the "pearl like ones" on grass leaves more, though.


This content's 100% mine. I took the pics with my Samsung A3 .

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