Gingerbread Flavored Fudge Candy - FOOD PHOTO SHOOT

Anyone getting excited about Christmas yet?


If only there was a way to take each day of December and cram in a few more hours. Like, just one or two more and then I’d have time to do all those little things I keep forgetting or skipping.


I honestly just need to work on time management instead of wasting time dreaming of impossible things like that. Yeah, that’s what I’m going to do. Except, it’s hard find time to work on making more time. Now that’s a really confusing situation.


So did you find the perfect gifts for your friends and family yet? I’m hoping you early birds still have a few gifts that you’ve yet to decide on because I have a few more posts coming.


Fudge, fudge, fudge…… Doesn’t everything sound good when you put fudge in the title somewhere? Oh, or fudgy (which, according to my Scrabble devotee sister, seems to be in question as to whether it’s actually a word and the proper spelling if it is. Spellcheck says it’s a negative but I strongly disagree, it’s definitely a word, ask anyone in the food biz.)


Fudge is one of those seasonal things that most people tend to be hot or cold about. You either love it or hate it. At least, that’s been my experience. I can understand why some people would hate it after having one too many dry, grainy, or just downright nasty versions, but saying you don’t like fudge is like saying you don’t like cookies. There are so many variations that it’s really not fair to judge the whole category based on one bad experience, you know? If you happen to be a hater though, this is definitely a flavor worth giving a fighting chance. It tastes like super rich and creamy gingerbread cookie dough and every bite is like a mouthful of Christmas. So good.


I’ve had quite a few fudge fails this season you guys so I’ve been getting very acquainted with how sugar thinks, or rather, how to think of sugar. To get the creamiest results in candy and fudge making it’s best to think like a turtle, slow and steady wins the race. You see, sugar doesn’t appreciate being shocked by temperature changes and if you do shock it, it will most likely give you the silent treatment and get all hard and crystallized on you, which is what makes your fudge get all grainy. Another thing to keep in mind is that you don’t want any crystals of sugar stuck to the sides of the pan because sugar also has a very strong group mentality and one little chunk of crystals can mess up the whole batch. Just be sure to scrape or wipe the side before putting it on the heat.


Happy fudge eating


ALL CONTENT IS MINE AND ORIGINAL! All of these food photos were taken with my Nikon D5300 and my favorite Lens, the Nikon AF-S FX NIKKOR 50mm f/1.8G. You can find out more in my INTRO POST.

And, by the way, to all the minnows out there, my intro post did a huge $0.21. The key to success on Steemit is to be consistent and persistent.

Oh, and don't forget to follow me on all your favorite social media channels!

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Recipe available upon request to the first Steemian friend who says today's words : "Nutcracker"

Want some other recipes to try? Here's my most recent food posts!

1.Puffy Snowball Holiday Cookies [ butterballs ]

2.Rosemary Garlic Roast Beef + Sauteed Mushrooms

3.Homemade 3 Musketeers Chocolate Candies

4.Fully Loaded Mexican Style Twice Baked Potato Skins

5.Brownie Chocolate Chip Cookie Meringue Pie

6.Molten Lava Chocolate Chunk Streusel Coffee Cake


8.Christmas Gift Idea: How to Make Your Own Hot Cocoa Mix

9.Edible Shot Glasses!!! Snickerdoodle Cookies & Milk Cups w/ Chocolate

10.Chocolate Ginger-Man Cheesecakes in a Jar

AND A HUGE MASSIVE SHOUT OUT TO@rigaronib for designing my logo!!!! 


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