A few architecture and landscape shots - free for you to use in your own posts


The last few days I have been taking some landscape and architectural shots to test out my new Nikon 16-35mm/4 lens a bit more.

I haven't had time to go through them fully but here are a few that I was able to edit. They are a mixture of things that took my interest. I also took some photos of the WWI memorial (the really elaborate one in Newcastle) today but have not had a chance to edit those yet and will try to post those up for Remembrance Sunday.

Feel free to use these in your own posts if you want as per Steemit4free.


These were processed using Nik Color Efex Pro 4 (get it and all their other plugins free here) and Silver Efex Pro 2. Where I couldn't decide between the different versions I have put both in the post:

The Photos

1 - The new library building in Newcastle - this has different architecture on each side - making it look like several buildings in one.






7 - THE MOST important place in Newcastle - lol this old building has become a 5 Guys restaurant.


9 - Some windows I liked on an old Victorian Municipal Building - love the shapes and texture on these.


11 - Don't know what this building is it was nearby and looking nice and old. I love these kind of old buildings. Sad to see it is not in use and has graffiti on it though.

12 - The old victorian swimming baths I think. I liked the lettering on this and the columns.



15 - I couldn't resist visiting our old RiverGod friend - sadly these are very noisy due to it being night by the time I reached him - I will see if there are any that are useable but here is a little sneak peak. The lighting on him at night looks awesome!

Landscape Shots from a couple of days ago

There is a very steep and treacherous hill near where I live (which being a mad person) I decided to climb with all my photography equipment in order to do some high dynamic range photos of the surrounding region.

When I got up there I found the view wasn't as spectacular as I expected. It could see for miles around but it didn't actually seem that high when I was taking photos!

Anyway I found that the single exposure shots below looked better than the actual HDR shots. I will need to practise more to get them right I think.

The shots below are just regular single exposures.








If you like my work and aren't already, please follow me and check out my blog (I mainly discuss photography but I do other topics too) - @thecryptofiend

Camera: Nikon D800 with Nikon 16-35mm/4 lens.

Photo Credits: All photos are my own unless otherwise stated and free for you to use under the terms of Steemit4free.

(Verification for me here: http://www.aapicture.com/about-me)

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