[ORIGINAL POETRY] Dreams of Innocence


Dreams of Innocence

In innocence does life begin
And within every breath it dwells
The unfolding dreams that hold us still
Emerge us from our shells

A dream does sing
A poet's voice
Such reasons to believe
To journey's end
And back again
As life it will conceive
A time to hold
And hold some more
That life may choose its source
And what it is
That starts again
What's lost shall seek recourse
The filtered sun
Upon the stone
That saw off yesterday
Can't hold one back
Despite the Gods
Who thundered forth "Belay!"
From joy does rise
The pain of life
To learn to breath again
And make of it
What one does will
As the child does learn to play
Imagine now
Let all create
It's more than it can be
But it's a gift
To realise
Who's master of this dream

A shattered soul
Can rise again
As quickly as it fell
Should hope lie dead
Upon the grave
'Tis not what we call hell?
But look again
And dream away
Plant seeds within the soul
As you can write
Then live the life
Author what you'll know
Hear the sound
See the sight
Question not the heart
It seeks a way
To love again
And express to all it's art
As perfume drifts
To elevate
And lift your sense of grace
Remember all
If once not more
That love is not a race
And hold it now
Within your heart
To know it as your own
It is yours
To reconcile
See that you have grown

In innocence does life return
That you may breathe the breath of all
And pray that one may know the dream
That is gifted to us all 


Image Credit: Pixabay.com

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Original Fiction:
I Think I've Remembered This Before
Saved By The Rain
Where Did the Time Go?
The Ghosts of Emmett Hill part 1 ALSO: [part 2] [part 3] [part 4]
Bad Trip part 1 ALSO: [part 2] [part 3] [part 4] [part 5]

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