Poetry Dice Challenge 3000 > Winner's Annoucement > Week 6


Next roll coming soon...

Whether you are taking a break from your own flow, or you desperately need pushed over the writer's block edge...this poetry challenge is for you. All of us coming together and sharing our versions of how the dice speak to us, is what makes this weekly challenge so great. I hope future rolls of the dice will continue to be an inspiration for you and the ones close to you. Cheers! And thanks for all you do!


3rd Place - 1 STEEM


"Manacles of My Guilt"

like an unsuspecting minnow would swim into the open jaws of a shark,
I followed suit- your footprints, now my guilt.

Glancing at the overcast August sky,
I try to forget.
But how can I outwit the manacles of my guilt- I am a murderer.

I searched for answers to questions unanswered.
And you showed me the light from your fountain of experience- how you decimated them with an insecticide.
They lost power over you, as they counted their losses.
Now, they have become a colony without identity, their territory lost.

But last night, like an army, they besieged me.
Armed to the teeth with proboscis sharpened like arrows and spears.
No choice was mine but to finish what you started.
I groped my hands in the dark, for the insecticide.
And stealthily, like an unfaithful lover would leave before the morning, sprayed the liquid in the air.

Their withered wings came falling on the floor,
Tanned like charred corn.
And their blood-filled belly became all lifeless.

How can I forget the manacles of my guilt?
How can I outwit the guilt of killing a whole calvary of mosquitoes?


...Borders on creative writing -- it's quirky, dramatic and interesting! ...This is a delightful entry indeed - @mamadini
This got me going for sure! What a witty and vivid journey into a killer's mind... ;-) - @robyneggs


2nd Place - 3 STEEM


"Ol' Theodore's Crime"

You could say I've been solvin' mysteries for a really long time,
one in particular you may 'ave heard, is Ol' Theodore's Crime.

I've been counting the days, and collecting the sparse clues,
but Ol' Theodore is a ruthless man, and holds nobodies views.

He left no evidence, mans' as slippery as a fish out of water,
'n the whole town knows, he's the one with an arrow who got 'er.

The body, disposed of in the sculpture park down by the fountain,
and during mid-day too, it's insane there's no proof has been mountin'.

He left us nothing to catch his ass, not even a lousy ol' footprint,
and knowing that damned Ol' Theodore, he'd even throw in a hint.

You can spend ages trying to best him, but he's cunning and frightening,
to see his next move you'd need a flashlight powered by lightning.

I'm still waitin' for that letter in the mail sayin', "We've got proof!",
but jus' as Ol' Theodore planned, the evidence of his presence is aloof.

The moral of the story is you can't mess with Ol' Theodore,
against this man you won't win a battle, nor any hard-fought war.


I enjoy the story aspect of the piece. It borders on creative writing through a poetic lens. - @mamadini
Flashlight powering lightning. You bugger that's genius!! I LOVED this poem. I love stories so much. I didn't enter this comp because I didn't feel confident to do the dice but this has inspired me to try the next one! - @girlwithoutwings
Your rhyming and melodious word choice s kept me bouncing from line to line with this nifty story-poem! Thanks for sharing your skillz with us this week @hypexals-spiral! :-) - @robyneggs


1rst Place - 5 STEEM


"Lemonade From an Abacus"

This little ditty will be short and sweet.
For my first die creation couldn't find its feet.

I developed a story and started out strong.
But including the abacus made it too long.

There was a scandal and humor and nutty prose.
A shifty-eyed detective with a runny nose.

He was chasing a card that belonged to a dame,
who'd been struck by Cupid's arrow and abandoned her fame.

She was dating her Beau, when on a thunderous night,
beside a lucky fountain came a shocking fright.

The lightning flashed and revealed a face.
Ole Shifty had found her, by her credit's trace.

He shone his light in the handsome man's eyes.
And then pushed him in. A chilly surprise.

The damsel screamed! This wasn't her wish!
To have her Beau splash and dance with the fish.

"You cruel man, I just want you to die."
And so fluttered this tale up into the sky.

Abrupt is the ending, but please don't fuss.
Those die dealt me, harshly, an abacus.


Fresh, Creative, Fun -- what a joy to read. - @mamadini
Funny, entertaining and engaging! - @robyneggs
Haha I love it ! Great entry , it definitely looks like a winner to me !! Best of luck to you !!✔✔✔✔💙Upped!! - @karenmckersie
I thought you did a great job. Your poem was great and the pictures added to the overall feel for the poem. I' m glad that you didn't give up. I sometimes hit a block when I write and then some how muddle through. Have a great day! - @cabbagepatch
So much fun! Love how you weave images and a little snark into your poetry. I share my MAP voting power with you, my friend 😊 - @outrayjust
This was badass man! - @mitchelljaworski
Haha! I enjoyed your creation... it was great with all the pictures, quite whimsical :D Good luck in the poetrydice competition! An abacus is an odd image indeed... some are arithmetical whizzes with 'em! - @d-pend

PDC3K Entries - Week 6

  1. Lost Identity by @mrslauren
  2. Lightning Crashes by @mitchelljaworski
  3. Searching for the One by @clayboyn
  4. Life by @tegoshei
  5. Ol’ Theodore’s Crime by @hypexals-spiral FAV!
  6. Nemo’s Great Escape by @hopehuggs
  7. Lemonade from an abacus by @em3
  8. Manacles of my guilt by @harrywill

Contest Averages - First 5 weeks

comments: 59.8
views: 125
votes: 42
earnings: $5.04
entries: 22.6

Thanks again for participating in the re-vamped Poetry Dice Challenge 3000! I really wanted everyone to have another opportunity to be inspired by a semi-structured poetry contest that is unique. Rory's Story Cubes have been an inspiration for me for many years, and Steemit has provided an opportunity for me to share that inspiration with you.

Other Posts by Robyn Eggs

Summer Blur > Graphic Art
Markdown Cheat Sheet, etc…for new minnows
Solar Eclipse Poetry 1
Solar Eclipse Poetry > No. 2 > Mind You
Vampire III - Poem
Ransom Note Poetry 3
Ransom Note Poetry No. 2
Ugly - Poem
Ransom Note Poetry No. 1
Rose Garden June 2017 - Photo Blog
Henry Hagg Lake - Photo Blog
Drunken Saga > Ch 2
Drunken Saga Poems > Ch 1
Poem about a Saga
Golden Archives of Robyn Eggs

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~one human basket~

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