[POEM] - Poetry Dice W6 Entry: Ol' Theodore's Crime | Original Steemit Poetry

This is my official entry to the 6th Week of
the Poetry Dice Challenge.

Thanks for user @robyneggs for hosting this great competition.
It's a great creative outlet, and gets many people involved.

And now, onto the poetry, please!

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Ol' Theodore's Crime

You could say I've been solvin' mysteries for a really long time,
one in particular you may 'ave heard, is Ol' Theodore's Crime.

I've been counting the days, and collecting the sparse clues,
but Ol' Theodore is a ruthless man, and holds nobodies views.

He left no evidence, mans' as slippery as a fish out of water,
'n the whole town knows, he's the one with an arrow who got 'er.

The body, disposed of in the sculpture park down by the fountain,
and during mid-day too, it's insane there's no proof has been mountin'.

He left us nothing to catch his ass, not even a lousy ol' footprint,
and knowing that damned Ol' Theodore, he'd even throw in a hint.

You can spend ages trying to best him, but he's cunning and frightening,
to see his next move you'd need a flashlight powered by lightning.

I'm still waitin' for that letter in the mail sayin', "We've got proof!",
but jus' as Ol' Theodore planned, the evidence of his presence is aloof.

The moral of the story is you can't mess with Ol' Theodore,
against this man you won't win a battle, nor any hard-fought war.


Thanks for reading my entry!

Week 6's Imagery is Below

If you like poetry, why not check out some of my content for some inspiration.

Here ya go, enjoy!

Check out my previous poems!
1 - Moonlight Butterfly
2 - Dandelion Seeds
3 - Abberation
4 - Thief's Song
5 - Queen of Tranquility
6 - Ascension Over Grand Symphonic Omega
7 - Sail into the Sunset of Life's Final Conclusion
8 - Kiss Goodnight
9 - Antique Jewelry Box
10 - Offering to the Seas
11 - Mary-Jane's Trees Shade my Day
12 - Darkness Allure
13 - Groggy Morning
14 - Magical Rite
15 - Hero's Cape
16 - Flavours of Pain
17 - My Liquid Half
18 - Starlight Night


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2 columns
1 column