feelings in motion

feelings in motion

when somebody comes at me
hot air out of them screaming
venting frustration angrily
i'll just ignore their steaming

i look at them quite dreamily
while listening and observing
and analyzing peacefully
attention they're deserving

ignoring force of delivery
it's friction turned to heat
just measure of their misery
self control it can defeat

then there is that what i know
about the person that i'm facing
what history caused anger's show
the reason why they're spacing

when their anger has deflated
what is left is aimed at you
and then after you reflected
there's just one thing left to do

in your words explain their vex
and actions that you shall submit
watching expressions so perplex
when they hear you solving it

Emotions are feelings in motion

There are moments in life when you get angry or emotional, there is no way around it. Likewise others will get angry or emotional. Whether you're on the receiving end of emotions or dishing them out, there is always a choice.

Faced with an angry person, if you just address the emotion you usually end up in an argument. But if you "cut" the emotion (hot air) off and "extract" the persons sensitivities (you know how John is...) you will be left with the problem and the feeling the person gets because of it. If you only address those last two the other will feel taken seriously and understood and you will almost never get into an argument.

Faced with your own anger or emotions you also have a choice, to vent the emotion/anger or express how you feel. It's hard to get angry with someone who expresses their feelings calmly. On the other hand if you express anger, the other might feel attacked. And when someone feels attacked they usually cross their arms and lock up or get combative back at you. The result is usually an argument or a fight.

Since I do what I describe in the poem above, I know I give more "space" than I take. So, however hard I try to express my feelings some times I will fail and lose my temper. Then I take that space quite unashamedly and will sometimes shout and rant. This is my moment to lose it... And people around will be stunned because i hardly ever need to take that space. So when I do they give me space and let me blow off steam. Because they know me too. After that all that is needed is a hug...


1st image credits + 2nd image credits

If you want to read more by me, check out some more stuff I wrote:

poetry and prose.png

my drowning land
nothing from nothing
infinite bandwidth
just a limerick
i've always been me
life is suffering
An anecdotal poetry experiment
When it rains it pours
Dreaming about Steeming
For the love of stones
Mind, body and soul
United dreams
Talk about addiction

other posts.png

Free the drugs

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umuntu ngumuntu ngabantu!

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