Will I ever do a positivity challenge that isn’t a bit of a twist on the theme?
Yes, I will, I promise. This isn’t my real post on Challenge number 4, I want to write about EFT for that. But that will be a major post, so might still be a few days away.
This is one of my randoms, one that just popped into my head. It was triggered by a sentence in @lifeisawesome’s positivity post – “Africa, for example, where children are dying of hunger.”
It reminded me of a film about something that really helped somebody else – or rather a group.
It was a film I saw in our local film festival a few years ago. It’s a documentary set in Africa, about three years in the life of an orphanage. The social worker who founded the orphanage really helped them, and so did being in the choir.
But that’s not actually what touched me and inspired me to write this.
These children had nothing. They had watched their families die of AIDS one by one, and had lives full of tragedy. The woman who took it upon herself to give them all a home, had a ramshackle building and nothing much else. They had a roof of sorts over their heads, some food, a set of clothes and not much else.
Over the three years they had many tragedies and setbacks, but they always had the choir, song and each other.
Get this: they were happy.
They were full of joy and gratitude for every little thing. They sang as an expression of joy, whether by themselves or in the group. They made the most of their lives.
Can any of us say the same?
Two side notes
There was one scene where they were singing about “Jesus washing my sins away”. As tears poured down my cheeks I was thinking “These beautiful, innocent children singing about being sinners - what sins?”
If you find this and watch it, which I highly recommend, this is a disclaimer. I saw it several years go. There may be bits I remember wrong, but this is how I remember it.
Thanks for reading, and Steem on, beautiful people.
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My Intro ~ Are there kiwis in the house? ~ Benefits of joining a community choir ~ My grandmother’s legacy ~ Steemit in downtown Wellington ~ Overcoming my fears ~ Observations from a bus ~ The brandy snap maker ~ Wearable Arts Award Show ~ 2 months on Steemit and now curating health, nutrition and recipes ~ Positivity Challenge 3 – Acts of kindness