7 Fundamental Truths That Will Change Your Life Part 1

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It is often said that the truth will set you free. These 7 fundamental truths that I want to share with you will change your life. If you consistently and persistently apply these truths in your life, your life will never be the same again. The world will be your oyster and the sky will be the limit for you.

1. You Are A Spiritual Being In A Physical Body

You tend to forget the fact that you are actually a spiritual being in a physical being. And at times you even forget that your physical life has an expiry date. You live as if you are immortal and yet when you actually died, it is as if you had never live before. Why? Because you did not take the time and effort to leave your footprints in this world. As spiritual beings, you acknowledged that when you passed on, you leave your legacy behind. Therefore wherever you are and as long as your heart is still beating, strive to make a difference and leave this world a better place than you have found it.

2. You Are In Control Of Your Own Life

You are the captain of your own ship, the author of your own story and the master of your own life. Take responsibility for your own life and stop blaming either your life circumstances or others. Your life situation now in terms of your health, financial position and career are the result of the choices that you have made and the actions that you have taken in the past. Therefore if you want to have new results, then you have to make different choices and start doing new things.

This is a very empowering truth. Instead of thinking that you are a victim of your circumstances, you emerge as a victor of your life situation. Instead of waiting for others (read your boss, your colleagues, your spouse, etc), the company or the economy to change, you change yourself first. And when you change, the universe will respond to you differently. You are in charge, be accountable for your own decisions and actions, and be the change that you want to see.

3. Your Present Is More Important Than Your Past And Your Future

You often rush through your busy life, trying to get your tasks and chores done that you forget to slow down and savor the present. Worse still you are trapped by the regrets of yesterday and fear of tomorrow that you missed out the joys of day. The past is gone, learn from it and move on. The future is yet to be here. Therefore be present and enjoy the moment. You can only be happy in the present, you can only take action in the present. Therefore, take care of the present, savor the present, take action and you will be able to face what tomorrow has to offer.

4. Your Setbacks Will Make You Stronger

In your life, there will be ups and downs; good days and bad days. In your quest for your dreams, you are bound to encounter setbacks, obstacles and challenges. When you go through setbacks or struggles, you emerged stronger, wiser, and better. If you are pushed against the wall, you will develop muscles. When you have setbacks, you tend to ponder. Make any setback an opportunity to learn and grow. If you have a bad fight with your spouse, take this as an opportunity to learn how to communicate and how to build stronger relationship. Turn your setbacks and struggles from stumbling blocks into stepping stones and your life will change drastically for the better.

As an experiment I am trying to make my articles shorter to encourage more people to read them. I will see how this is the response to this and will decide whether I should continue with this format. So do you all prefer to read the article at one go or do you prefer me to break it into two parts for easier reading. So do give your feedback in the comment section.

You can read Part 2 of the article here.

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Do check out my previous posts.

European Thursday: The Captivating Beauty Of Lake Baikal, Siberia
Are We Taking Our Lives And Ourselves Too Seriously
Positive Reflections: Being Clever Is A Gift, Being Kind Is A Choice
My Trans-Mongolia Railway Pictorial Journey Part 3: From Intriguing Irkutsk To Magnificent Moscow
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