Positive Reflections: How Not To Let Other People's Opinion Affect You

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Recently my wife Roselind went to the market to repair a pair of trousers. When returned to the stall a few days later, to collect the trousers, the tailor asked for RM12 instead of the agreed price of RM11. When my wife reminded the tailor that the agreed price was RM 11, the tailor replied sarcastically “Kalau you miskin dan tak mampu bayar, I kasih free sahaja” which when translated means “If you are too poor and can’t afford to pay, I give you free”. Feeling insulted by the remarks but not wanting to argue further, Roselind put RM11 on the table and walked away.

Roselind was fuming when she related the story to me and for the most part of the morning, she was not in a good mood. What is your take on this? Firstly, the tailor has absolutely no clue about our financial position. From my point of view, obviously we are in a better position than the tailor. Secondly our financial position has not changed and is not affected by the remarks of the tailor, we have neither grown richer or poorer. Thirdly, we must always remember that we have the power on how we choose to respond to other people’s behavior. If Roselind is reacting negatively to the tailor, she is giving power to the tailor to make her angry. Fourthly, just let it go.

In our daily interactions, we receive a lot of remarks or feedback about us. We need to examine honestly whether these remarks or feedback are valid or not. If we feel that what is being said has some truth in it, then take this as an opportunity for us to change and grow. If there is no truth, then it is just someone else’s opinion and everybody is entitled to their own opinion. The most important thing is we know to our self-worth and we should not seek validation of who are based on other people’s opinion of us. Just follow the above 4 steps and we will be more empowered to respond to other people’s opinion.

So how do you respond to other people’s opinion? Do share your experiences in the comments section.

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