Newbie Nuggets: How To Make Succeeding At Steemit Fun

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In order to succeed at any business, hard work and persistence are required. Nobody can expect success to just fall on their laps. However it is possible to make succeeding at business fun as well. For example Richard Branson of the Virgin Group is famous for starting successful businesses and is also equally famous for making success fun. By injecting fun into his business, he is able attract committed and talented employees to work for him. In very much the same way, you can make succeeding at Steemit fun.

1. Celebrate Your Milestones and Achievements

Celebrate your milestones and achievements at Steemit with your family and friends. You are giving yourself a pat on the back and acknowledging that you had put in the time and effort to bring about these achievements. In this way, your brain will associate blogging at Steemit fun. When my article Wisdom From My Autistic Son: Turning Brick Walls Into Stepping Stones garnered over 200 plus votes, I celebrated this milestone by having a sumptuous dim sum lunch with my family.

2. Choose A Niche That You Are Passionate

In this attention seeking society, where people are distracted by endless things, you need to stand out from the crowd. To differentiate yourself, you need to brand yourself and one way of doing this is to choose a niche that you are passionate to blog. Writing and doing things that makes you truly alive will much more fun and will not be like work at. I have been passionate about self-development and self-improvement for the last 30 years. At the same thing I also enjoyed reading and writing poems. In my posts at Steemit, there are so many instances where I conveyed my positive messages in the form of poems.

3. Succeed As A Community

Humans are social beings and social support can help us cope better when we faced challenges. It is much more fun to succeed as a group rather than alone. In fact it is much easier to succeed as a group rather than trying to do it all alone. One of the best thing that I liked about Steemit is how supportive the community is. Since day one, I had received a lot of encouragement, help, support and love from the community. So find a community to join at steemit chat or dischord and you will find your time at Steemit much more fun and enjoyable. I am very thankful for Team Malaysia and have met some of the members in person. A shout out to @perennial from Team Malaysia who is sending me a free Team Malaysia t-shirt.

Hanging out with @awesomianist at Miri

4. Make Fun As Part Of The Work Process

If you just have fun and clown around without doing much work, you will not achieve much in life and at the same time others will not take you seriously. However if you strive to do excellent work and add in the fun element, you will be enjoying your work and at the same time moving towards your goal. The work that you want to do at Steemit can be broken into a few steps and process. So do brainstorm on how to add fun into any of these steps or process.
In addition, if you make succeeding at Steemit fun, you are more likely to attract other Steemians who are keen to work with you on projects or other types of collaboration. This will in turn lead to more fun and success and it becomes a cycle.

5. Don’t Take Yourself Too Seriously

Life is full of ups and downs and it is not practical for us to expect to have a blast of a time every day. However when things do go wrong whether at home or in the work place, if you take yourself less seriously, it will be easier to see the humor in the situation. The situation will become less tense and less stressful and you will be in a better position to come up with creative solutions. Also when you don’t take yourself too seriously, you are able to see the positive side of any situation. Although we may not admit it, we often inflate our self-importance. So if you don’t take yourself too seriously, you will be able to have more fun at Steemit.
I would like to share my personal experience. My autistic son has repetitive behavior and at times it can really get on my nerves. When I sensed anger building up in me, I just burst into song, singing Diana Ross “Stop In The Name Of Love”. This action has actually two effects, I sometimes managed to change Jonathan’s state, and he actually stopped his behavior. More importantly, how can I be angry when I am being playful? I only used this strategy in the privacy of my own home.

So how do you make blogging at Steemit fun? Do share your ideas in the comment section.

Follow me and stay positive.

Do check out my previous posts.

My Trans-Mongolia Pictorial Adventure Part 1: Escaping From Bustling Beijing To Ulanbatar
Golden Hour Photography: Sunset At St Kidla, Melbourne
Do You Realize That When We Are Wasting Our Time, We Are Actually Wasting Our Lives? And My Original Poem “Now Is The Time”
I Have Not Forsaken You (An Original Poem)
Dare To Fail: Dream Big But Fail Small

Spreading positivity one post at a time.

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