Positive Reflections: What Minor Changes Can You Make That Can Have Major Impact In Your Life?

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A lot of people have the misconception that to be successful or to achieve a goal, you need to do great or big things. However, to succeed you can actually break down the actions that you need to do into small doable parts. And if you do these small doable parts on a daily basis, you are on your way to success. Suppose that you have a desire to write a book, how do you break this dream into small doable parts. You simply start off by writing the first word, then the first sentence, the paragraph, the first chapter and eventually you will end up writing the whole book.

I read about a story about a man who wanted to lose weight. He made a simple adjustment to his daily routine that allowed him to achieve his goal of losing weight. He simply go to work each morning a bit earlier, parked his car about 1 mile from this workplace and walked. By walking a mile each day, he managed to lose weight.

Since the middle of September this year, I have been writing an article daily. Some people have been asking me where I get the ideas for all the articles that I wrote. The answer is very simple. Every day I drive between 45 minutes to 1 hour each way from my house to my office. During the drive, I will listen to You Tube videos of Ted Talks or other motivational talks. Now by listening to these motivational talks both in the morning and evening, I am not only feeling pumped up but this has provided with ideas for my articles. Previously I used to just listen to the radio, and by making productive use of my commute time, I am able to come out with an article each day.

So what goals are you working on at the moment? Can you break complex tasks for your goals into small doable parts that can be accomplished daily? And what minor changes can you make that can have major impact in your life. Please share your thoughts and ideas in the comments section.

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Do check out my previous posts.

7 Fundamental Truths That Will Change Your Life Part 2
7 Fundamental Truths That Will Change Your Life Part 1
European Thursday: The Captivating Beauty Of Lake Baikal, Siberia
Are We Taking Our Lives And Ourselves Too Seriously
Positive Reflections: Being Clever Is A Gift, Being Kind Is A Choice

Spreading positivity one post at a time.

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