Technology-driven or Business-model-driven? 技术优先还是商业模式优先 – 献给在30多岁还在写代码的朋友们

IMO, there are two types of IT companies. The first one focuses the technology and the second one treats the business model as priorities.

Google, FB and some other well-known American IT companies are clearly the first one while many British (or maybe other European countries as well) IT companies are the second one.

The technology-driven companies respect the programmers and they prefer calling them geeks. The business-model-driven companies respect the management teams and the programmers are often told to do what they have been told in the requirement/specification documents. The technology-driven companies such as Google allow employees to work on their own projects at e.g. 10% time. But most other business-model-driven companies don't allow this. The salary pay for programmers is in general much higher in technology-driven companies compared to business-model-driven ones.

I have also been to many coding interviews for the position of "Software Developer/Engineer". The US companies ask questions of algorithms, data structure, as they are more interested in how you approach to solve the problems. The British I.T companies they ask you questions like, the frameworks, the languages e.g. C# LINQ, as they need you to work on the project immediately after you are recruited.

I am 33, and I think I am stuck in a British business-model-driven company for quite a long time. Maybe it is a good timing for me to try new things/challenges. I need to recapture those programming knowledge such as data structure and algorithms.

I think I have spent way too much time on STEEM...

世界上有两种IT公司, 一种是像谷歌 FACEBOOK这种以技术为先驱的对技术攻程狮待遇可以超过管理层的公司, 另一种就是商业模式优先, 比如啥挣钱就做, 而写代码的待遇一般不会高于管理层. 

Google 允许员工可以有一部分时间搞搞自己的项目 (比如 Gmail 就是员工业余时间业余项目搞出来的), 在大多公司, 特别是人力不足的情况下, 码农只能按照需求写代码, 甚至代码都得按到规范来写, 很多时候扼杀了创造力. 

30多岁还在写代码, 没有任何大公司背景的我很迷茫. 就像我自己说的, 这两类公司其实可以通过面试的类别就可以区分开来. 以技术为先驱的公司面试的题目大多是算法, 设计. 而以商业模式优先的公司大多会需要掌握一门技术很具体的框架或语言(在工作需求文档 Job Specs): 比如招C#程序员需要懂 WPF, WCF或者LINQ. 我接触过一些面试, 大多美国IT公司是前者, 而英国IT公司是后者. 

 媳妇 @happyukgo 懂得 if … else ..

我不想在这么䘵䘵无为了. 每天过得很安逸, 再不行动起来 脑子都快转不动了. 现在的程序员门槛低, 很多时候只需要把现有的框架或工具用胶水粘起来, 而这类程序员就真的是码农, 而专注于技术算法, 拥有高效的解决问题能力的程序猿才能称之为攻程狮. 

脑子动起来, 每天晚上把玩STEEM的一部门时间拿来看书和学习! 


 Originally Published in Steemit. Thank you for reading my post, feel free to FOLLOW and Upvote @justyy which motivates me to create more quality posts.  

原创首发 SteemIt, 非常感谢阅读, 欢迎FOLLOW和Upvote @justyy 能激励我创作更多更好的内容.    

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