~ 94 ~ Walk With Me Around the Home (Hey, don't roll your eyes, it was raining, I'm unmotivated, and just want to snuggle with a good book)

There were, however, spectacular outdoor walks from 200 Steemians in the last day!

#WalkWithMe is growing, and going so good. There are a lot of people taking us on some pretty epic tours of their towns, villages and in raw nature all across the world. Thank you everyone and keep em coming.

A New Orchid


Brendan got it for me. The orchid I was growing, grew its flower stem...and then there was a major accident with the Christmas tree which fell onto the old orchid and the flower stem snapped before it even had a chance to bloom. The foliage was still okay though, so I have to wait until next year for that one to bloom again. It's nice that he got me another plant with flowers already grown hahaha! It doesn't hurt so much anymore.


Beautiful Art

This just came in the mail for me as well. My friend in Ontario creates art with broken pieces of glass that she finds. I saw the dragonfly when she posted it on her art page and absolutely fell in love. Dragonflies are very special animals to me. Metamorphosis, transcendence.


I have to get it under better light one day, to show you all the different colours which are in this glass, but like I said, I was one lazy woman today and couldn't even be bothered to move the art to a brighter room and capture that. One day, one day...


Part of a painting that Brendan did for me many years ago now, striking colours, sorry too lazy to zoom out hahaahahahaa :) Another day...another day...

Something I Wasn't Too Lazy For

Bread products! Mmmmm too lazy to make buns, and I was all out (which is not allowed to happen because I live off of buns) so cheddar & parmesan biscuits it was! 20 minutes later, bread crisis averted.



A Look Out the Windows


The Puddle Barometer is not very full. Raining but not torrential downpour.


I hope you enjoyed this #WalkWithMe. Here are some outstanding walks with other Steemians who got out there in the world, and took us with them.

See life through their eyes...

Walk With Me #2 - Beautiful Mural (In Damascus, Syria) By @scorpii

#7. Walk With Me : Beautiful view of Rice in my village / Indahnya pemandangan Padi di Desaku By @au7ia

Some cool, quirky and beautiful sights from my day in Playa del Carmen, Mexico By @lynncoyle1


Time for a walk. - πŸ“ΈοΏΌ - Photos of the day. By @madlenfox

Cool Brisk morning walk at the park By @mamabear72

Walk with me at work... By @davedickeyyall

Walk with me : When the hen does not know where to lay egg πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ By @arieframadhan
An old time covered bridge By @seareader1

Welcoming the Day By @amymya

MCO in B&W By @cognoscere

#Walkwithme My son is again learning to ride a bike. By @ponsaya


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