Steem Monsters Common Card Fantasy Story Contest! // Week 12

Steam Monsters Common Card Fantasy Story Contest- The Sabre Shark


This is my entry for the Steem Monsters Common Card Fantasy Story Contest! // Week 12, hosted by @steemmonsters.

The Depths of Waveka by @simgirl

Being a sabre shark I had no choice but to go into the family business. I was never what you would call gentle to begin with, but I wasn’t dreaming of this life as a young shark swimming in the Depths of Waveka. The Morelli family was known for their thirst for blood and as a Morelli, I was expected to play the part.

Although I was bred into the life, that didn’t mean I was instantly given power or authority. There was a process in this organization. The leader Zerga was the shark in control of a Mob they called, “The Fins” and loyalty to her involved a lengthy indenture by means of blood-stained incisors. Her influence on my family was great and so we were raised to stay the course.

I was only a few years old when my father Franklin Morelli took me on our first hit. We swam a long way across Waveka to a coral cove filled with black musselcrackers. The leader Scaleback was hidden among the cove and my father killed every fish to get to him. There my father made an offer to spare Scaleback’s life if he settled his debt with Zerga.

Even as a young sabre shark I knew this was a bad idea. My father had just slaughtered Scaleback’s family in cold blood, and I questioned why he would agree to the deal. But Scaleback agreed, paid the debt in full, and then later killed my father while he was on patrol. The Manta Rays concluded there had been no foul play, but I knew the truth.

That truth was the first secret I kept for The Fins and for Zerga.

Zerga kept me as a follower because she said she saw a spark of intelligence in me.

“Tell me Ramono, what would you have done different if you were in your father’s place?”

“I would have killed Scaleback and taken everything he owned.” I said.

Zerga smiled and gave me my next assignment.

For many years I gathered secrets for Zerga. The more I knew, the less secure I felt in the organization. I was not officially part of The Fins. The main Fins were given extra protection and could not be killed without counsel. I had to beware of traps and set-ups by those who wished to be promoted to The Fins’ main school of coldhearted, ocean muscle.

Glaskas was Zerga’s number one guy. He was an ugly and haunting Sturgeon who looked as if he’d seen better days. He and his partner Crabemoth, a giant, grey sunfish swam slowly around the Rasped Reef where Zerga led her school. They rarely left their post and would give us untrusting looks every time we arrived at the Reef for new assignments.

My partner Laskir was recently assigned to patrol the pearl collections with me and learn the ropes. He was a Sharptail Mola who was a cousin of one of The Fins high up in the organization. He was shaky and nervous, and in my opinion, asked too many questions. That was the first habit I hoped to break. “The less you know, the better.” I would tell him.

Zerga lounged on her sea shell hammock and gazed leisurely upon us as we entered the Reef. I swear she sneered when she witnessed Laskir’s uneasiness, knowing she had partnered me with a buffoon. Her fins were sharper than her smile.

“So, from what I hear,” she said casually, “the Eels are causing trouble for the Whales. The Dolphins have been praying, and sending blessings, but apparently the Whales and their incompetent Manta Rays need The Fins’ help.”

“You want us to take out the Eels?” I asked.

“I’m hoping the Whales will take them out for us. The Manta Rays can’t seem to find the Eels’ new hideout, but we have heard a rumor it’s in the Forgotten Caverns east of Long Current Valley. I need you and Laskir to check it out, see if they really are down there. Then come back and tell me.”

We accepted the task, no questions asked and arrived long before nightfall.

As we got closer to the Forgotten Caverns, my nerves began to awaken. I couldn’t tell if it was this dark place, or my partner's constant conversation that he insisted I join.

“The Forgotten Caverns are dangerous, every sea being knows that. If the Eels are in there, they must have defeated the Swift Crab King that dwells in the bottom. Do you really think that they defeated the Crab King?” Laskir asked.

“I have no idea.” I said dryly, hoping my partner would take the hint to stop talking.

“I don’t think this is a good idea, I think we should swim for a little while and then go back and just tell Zerga we couldn’t find them. What do you think Ramono?”

“I think you are going to get me killed.”

“Ha. You are funny. So, what do we do if we find the Eels? We’re going to be stuck in the cavern and have no way out. We are bound to be captured.”

At that moment I knew why Laskir was my assigned partner for this job. But to my dismay Laskir was smarter than me. It was a trap set up by Zerga and we were merely bait to her. The worst part was that we swam here willingly.

Before I could turn around and swim the other way, two Eels came out from the darkness.

“Are you looking for trouble Fins?” The first Eel spat out, sparking the water around him as he spoke. “We’ve declared this part of Waveka a no swim zone for your kind.”

“Yeah we don’t take kindly to no Fins around here.” The other Eel said.

Before we knew it, we were surrounded by Eels. Laskir and I resisted and snapped, managing to disable a few, but there were too many Eels to fight. They lassoed us with ropes and nets and then dragged us into the caverns. Once they locked us in the cages they began to question us about Zerga.

“Where is Zerga’s hideout? How many Fins are there? Where does she keep her pearls?” They asked repeatedly.

Laskir and I kept silent and took the electricity shocks without a peep or scream. After hours of interrogation, the Eels decided to ransom us to Zerga for the price of one million flawless pearls and control over the Depths of Waveka.

I knew we were going to die here. Down in the darkest caves of the Forgotten Caverns my new partner and I would be fried fish nuggets before the next moons passed. I felt helpless and now felt bad for shaming Laskir for asking questions, when that’s exactly what I should have been doing when I received this insane suicidal assignment.

If we were used by Zerga as bait, then I only hoped she knew what she was doing and would miraculously save us soon. I had faith she would not send us here to drown like worms on a hook. If I knew Zerga well enough, she hoped to claim a big catch at the end of this venture. If nothing else, Zerga had the thirst for revenge.

To my disbelief, Glaskas and Crabemoth arrived at the Forgotten Caverns a few hours later hauling the ransom of pearls behind them.

“Zerga thanks you for sparing the lives of our Fins. She sends her surrender and vows the Fins will no longer patrol the Depths of Waveka. Take these pearls and release the Fins from those cages.” Glaskas said nodding to us.

The Eels slithered closer to catch a glimpse of the shimmering pearls. The sacks were full, and their eyes were greedy. Quickshock, the leader of the Eels nodded in agreement and motioned for one of his lackeys to open the locks. As soon as we were released Laskir and I swam behind Glaskas and Crabemoth.

“Seize the pearls.” Quickshock commanded. A group of Eels swam quickly to the pearl-filled sacks and dragged them over to their leader.

“How can I be certain Zerga will not go back on her word?” Quickshock asked.

Crabemoth answered, “I guess you are going to have to trust her.”

Just then we felt a rush of many currents coming down the rock caverns into the open room we were gathered. The surges seemed to be coming from every entrance. I looked up and could see the Manta Rays surrounding us and the group of Eels. “Quickshock, we have you surrounded. You are under arrest for the crimes of kidnapping and extortion.”

“I knew I could never trust Zerga!” Quickshock screamed and then darted toward Crabemoth. His fangs sunk into Crabemoth’s neck. In a few seconds, Quickshock spit enough electricity into his neck that Crabemoth’s eyes began to boil.

It is a sight I will never forget.

The Manta Rays immediately rushed Quickshock and hauled him from the caverns, followed by the Eel crew and all their followers. We gathered the sacks of pearls, less a few thousand for the Manta Rays who praised the Fins for helping to take down such vicious criminals, and then headed back to the Rasped Reef.

From that day on I was a trusted member of the main Fins and no longer feared my immediate termination from the other followers. This was a relief after many years of looking over my shoulder. I am not immune to death, but I got a good thing going here. If you know what I mean.

Laskir is now in charge of his own recruit. He collects pearls from the locals and patrols the waters with the other followers. No doubt that recruit is hearing an unending loop of the story on that day in the cavern and how The Fins took down the Eels in one brilliant deception.

Now I swim with Glaskas outside of Zerga’s hideout and patrol the Rasped Reef. I give suspicious stares to every follower who enters the Reef for an assignment, just like Crabemoth used to do. I only go out on assignment when there’s a big job, or Zerga needs an escort.

There’s not much for me to fear in the Depths of Waveka.

The End

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