My strapline for steemit, and other T-shirt designs... If You Think. Steemit

This is a just before you go to bed post...

There is something that has been bugging me for a while.

The current strapline for steemit - is it still "Money Talks"?

Sure, with the current bump up on the steem price Money does talk a bit louder than it did before.

But there is still one great big truckload of newcomers to steemit who don't hear it talking loud enough before they up sticks and head for the hills.

The headlining message for steemit should not just be about the money, else we are doomed to ever live with the terrible retention rate that plagues the platform.

There are many, many new people joining up now but it is clearly absurd to have to recruit six new people for every one that sticks around.

Point taken. Rant over. Put up or shut up.

Have I got anything better?

Who knows, but I'll toss it into the ring anyway...

IF YOU THINK. steemit

Nothing too deep and profound there. Just my reflection on 6+ months on the platform.

There is something different, there is something special about the people on steemit.

Certainly the ones that stick around and make a go of it.

It is not something super-intellectual.

But the people of steem think. They thing about art, about animals, about poetry, about science, about politics...

They think about what makes the world go round. They think about the people in it.

I am happy, I am proud, I'm so glad to be part of this.

That's it. That's all I've got.

It may not be up to a strapline or a slogan, but I would love to have it on a T-shirt.

Can anyone recommend a good online site for printing up T-shirts.

Sometimes, on a whimsical day, I just think in T-shirts...

  • Hug a Homesteader, Heal the World

  • 2018. The Year of Steem

  • I dream of steem

Goodnight all. That's my bedtime post. Over and out.

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I am in the market for buying steem directly.

I can pay by BACS, PayPal, or Amazon Gift Cards.

For more details check my post :

[ graphics by @pennsif ]

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