Yesterday I became a Dolphin. Now it is time to set my steemit targets for 2018

I joined steemit in mid June this year. For the first few months my only target was to keep going.

Then about 6 weeks ago I began to realise that I really should take a more strategic approach to my activity on steemit.

While I didn't at that time consider my activity on steemit to be a job or business, with the time and money commitment I had made it was certainly more than a casual pastime.

I was spending upwards of 30 hours a week on the platform and I had invested approaching US$1000 to power up.

It was time to get serious.

At that point I decided to set myself some targets for my activity on steemit. I can't recall exactly where I was at the time but I set myself three ambitions for the end of the year.

These were to reach 5000 SP (and thus to achieve Dolphin status), to gain 1000 followers and to obtain a reputation of 60.

Yesterday by converting my little pot of Bitcoin Cash I reached 5000 SP - now I am a dolphin.

I still have 10 hours to go before the end of the year but it is looking like I won't quite make the other two targets.

I have 977 followers and my reputation is 59.881. Tantalisingly close on both counts - but not quite.

It is a shame not to have achieved all three targets by 31 December but I should hit them in the first week or so of January.

The key thing with targets is to set them early. If I had been on to those 5000 SP / 1000 followers / 60 reputation targets 3 months back they would have been easy to achieve by the year end.

So heeding that I am going to set my targets for 2018 right now.

They will be ambitious but I believe achievable.


The only one of these that I can totally control is SteemPower.

That will be grown through a mixture of rewards and investment.

The rewards will be dependent on the quality and quantity of my posts and comments - and how much I contribute to the community. The investment will depend on how much spare cash I have during the year - and how much the price of steem increases.

The steem price is the kicker. I of course want it to increase ... but not too quickly before I have had the chance to buy more.

For the followers and reputation I have less control. They will both be a reflection on the value I can bring to steemit.

That brings me on to what my goals are for my activity on steemit and the wider steem platform for 2018.

While my point of origin on steemit was very much the homesteading and prepping community I have over the past couple of months spread into other spheres of activity.

To do them justice I am going to make a separate post on each of these areas but for now here is a summary of how I am looking to develop my activity on steem during 2018.

Homesteading & Prepping

The Homesteading and Prepping Community is a really great place to call home on steemit. I have got to know some really excellent people through this community. Based around the Homesteaders Online Discord server there is a lot of mutual support, encouragement and sharing of ideas there.

I am looking to continue with the initiatives I have already begun there such as the mentoring scheme, and also develop some new ideas.

Currently I am just embarking on a 'virtual tour' of every one of the nearly 300 steemians on the list of Homesteaders and Preppers on steemit.


Being from a business background the whole area of promoting the use of steem for off blockchain business activities really grabs me.

I have kicked off my activity in this area with the first list of businesses accepting payment in steem.

With no fees and its fast transaction times steem is so well positioned for greater use in business.

More use of steem = greater demand for steem = increased price for steem.

Charitable Giving

I really do think steemit and steem have great potential as a vehicle for supporting charities and charitable endeavours.

In November I experimented with a small scale A Dollar A Day giving project. A few other steemians (including @gmuxx, @mother2chicks and @hopehuggs) joined me on this and between us we managed to donate around US $800.

My focus so far has been centred on the work of @schoolforsdg4 in Bangladesh, @papilloncharity in South Africa, @tarc run by @rhondak in the USA, @surfermarly's @dreamsoftheocean project and @SirCork's new blockchain charity initiative @YouAreHope.

I am looking to explore new initiatives for charitable support through steemit in the new year. Stay tuned on this one.

Radio Show

Since doing an interview on @Ma1neEvent's show about 3 months ago I have been dabbling with the idea of doing an Alternative Lifestyle show.

Over the past three weeks I have been co-hosting with @globocop on a 1960s series of his Frequency Waves 432 Hz shows. That has been great fun and has given me confidence to move forward with my own show.

Technicalities being willing my Alternative Lifestyle Show should be launching on MSP Waves Radio early in January.

Steemit in Wales

In November @stephenkendal kindly sourced a list for me of all the steemians identified as being in Wales. Although that list had over 60 accounts on it only 15 of them turned out to be active.

This got me going with the idea of a meetup to connect with existing steemians in Wales and to promote steemit further here.

With the support of Stephen and Matt @starkerz the first meetup is now planned for 10 February.

Alongside that I have begun to look at ways of promoting steemit under the #promo-uk banner to help grow numbers here.

I am very much looking forward to working with the #promo-steem team on this in 2018.

I see a very bright future for steem and steemit in 2018.

I very much hope I can play a small part in shining a light on this amazing platform.

You might also be interested in some of my other posts :

I am in the market for buying steem directly.

I can pay by BACS, PayPal, or Amazon Gift Cards.

For more details check my post :

[ graphics by @pennsif ]

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