The Festive Follower Freebie - a Festive Season Giveaway for all my followers (update)

Eight days ago I posted about my plan to visit every one of my followers to get to know them and leave a little festive upvote.

This has been an absolutely fascinating project. I am being followed by all sorts of people, all around the world with a vast range of posting interests.

It is taking me much longer than I had planned partly because I stop to read so many interesting posts as I go round and partly because I am tending to upvote at a higher percentage than I initially envisaged so I am having to pace myself to maintain sufficient voting power.

I will be continuing with this project until I have been round all my followers. When I started I had 888 followers, that has now grown to 961. When I get to the end if you think I have missed you do let me know. I expect I will be finished around the middle of next week.

As I travel round my followers, as well as reading all the posts I am keeping some basic statistics about the status of all the people I visit.

While they are not really surprising the statistics do make for some interesting reading.

I will make a post at the end with the full stats but a snapshot so far reveals that 42% of my followers either never posted or have not been active for a month or more.

Interestingly exactly the same percentage, 42%, are posting regularly with 'proper' posts.

The remainder, ie around 16%, are active but posting meaningless (sh*t) posts.

I wonder how representative these figures are for steemit as a whole?

Oddly the inactive follower percentage is significantly higher than the corresponding figure from the Dead Followers app :

This gives a dead/inactive (one month) follower percentage of around 30%.

I will wait until the end to see how the final figures tally.

Keep on following and will be with you soon (if I haven't been already).

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I am in the market for buying steem directly.

I can pay by BACS, PayPal, or Amazon Gift Cards.

For more details check my post :

[ graphic by @pennsif ]

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