What is the difference between fault and responsibility?

Every word carries a certain frequency that has an influence on us. That influence is often disregarded and attributed to our personal state of mind but there is great importance in words. You can say two different words in the exact same tone of voice with the same facial expression but they will have a different impact on a person because they are different in their meaning. We so often forget that.

Lack of understanding of words is not only dangerous when speaking to others, it is hazardous when we are speaking about or to ourselves. Some people are too nice to themselves and some are too harsh, it is hard to find a healthy middle ground but mostly all of us tend to have a problem with accepting the responsibility for ourselves and our lives.

“Responsibility and fault often appear together in our culture. But they're not the same thing.”
Mark Manson

Nothing is your fault actually. When you say that you are the one to blame your brain is immediately associating that word with the expectancy of punishment. You are focusing on the problem and not on the solution. Fault bring feelings of less worthiness and disappointment, it is closely related to a definition of mistake.

Stop blaming yourself. It is not productive and it will never bring you any sense of accomplishment. With fault, you are going backward and focusing on why you did or said something. If you were to ask yourselves those questions and move on, it would be fine, but what is it that you do usually? You stay there in the past and torture yourself. Do you think that you deserve to be tortured that way? You do not.

Resposibility is something that we are all afraid of, well, most of the people, not everyone. Responsibility is the realization that we are the ones in charge, we are making all the decisions. There is no more blaming our parents, the media, our teachers, friends, and politicians. Everything in our lives is a direct consequence of our previous decisions and actions. We made everything in our lives happen, good and the bad, but with responsibility comes a power to change whatever we want.

When you accept that you are the only one responsible for everything that is happening to you, an opportunity for change and/or progress presents itself. Now you are able to focus on the solution of any problem and take charge of your life, good and the bad parts of it. You have all the power you need, the power to think, rationalize and make a decision. Decision making is the greatest power you have actually. Cherish it.

“Most people do not really want freedom, because freedom involves responsibility, and most people are frightened of responsibility.”
Sigmund Freud

Do you want to be free? Are you afraid of the freedom? Freedom begins with you accepting that you are THE ONLY one responsible for your life.

Nothing is your fault but everything is your responsibility.

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