Where attention GOES, energy FLOWS

This post has been a long overdue. I have been going on and on about the philosophy of happiness and have been making my posts about it or in that theme but somehow failed to mention why is it important and why we need to be happy and positive. Maybe "need" is a strong word, and maybe not. It all depends on what you want, really. I guess you could say that everyone wants to be happy and I would agree with you if you told me that some 10 years ago. Now, I have to be honest and say that not everyone is so keen on happiness. Whenever you hear someone say "I can not be happy." it means "I do not want to be happy." This is a horrible horrible thing to say, I know, but the truth is not always pleasant. The fact remains, if you want to be happy, you will be. It really is, as simple as that. Or is it? I hope that you will get what I am saying by the end of this post and I will do my best to make it so.

There is no NEGATION

Your brain knows no negation. The Universe knows no negation. If you are a parent, you are probably familiar with this. When you say to your child "Do not do that." what does he do? Exactly that. This is not because he is a bad child but because his brain does not process the word not. The same goes for adults. If you were put in a room with a giant button and someone told you not to push it, all you would think about is pushing the button. The research in this area is vast and I encourage you to look it up, some of it is quite interesting. Have you ever heard that old saying that we always want what we can not have? This is because we respond to "have" instead of "not".

"Forbid us something, and that thing we desire."
Geoffrey Chaucer

Did you know that couples who are allowed to have sex with other people do it LESS than those who are not allowed? Whenever you try to ban something you are getting an opposite reaction than you expected. The only way we humans have learned to overcome this flaw is by using punishment. We punish our children and our lovers when they do something we told them not to. This triggers the cause and effect understanding so the only reason for not doing something is the fear of the consequences and being punished for our actions. The wish for it, however, still remains and we are always tempted to do the things we are not supposed to.

STOP using "NO"

There is a big difference between positive statements and the negative ones. You can use the word stop instead or string a sentence together that will carry your message but with the use of different words. I never say that I do not want war, I want peace, and when wanting to make a point I try not to even mention the thing I do not want, I focus and speak about those things that I do want. Avoid using "no" and "not".

Negation and negativity is all around us. Just look at the news. Have you heard anything positive lately? If you focus on what the media is feeding people you will think that we live in a terrible world. There is nothing but trouble here on Earth. Sick, dying, starving, raped, killed, traumatized, robbed, deceived and politics politics politics. Would you believe me if I say that this is actually the best time to be alive and the Earth, along with all that it has, is the best place to be? Beautiful and full of possibilities? Abundant in everything you desire? IT IS. We live in a time when information is accessible and technology has made it easier for us to live. You will not die when you get a cold, and you do not have to sneak around to learn how to read. Everything is accessible to you. You can travel from one place on Earth to another in a day. Do you know how long it would take you to make that trip some 100 years ago? Focus on the positive and speak about the positive.

Mind your attention

The title of this post is very important. Have you already come to a realization why that is? Everything is energy. Your body as well as your thoughts, and everything is made of tiny little particles that are always vibrating at a certain frequency. You are literally made out of stardust. The chair you are sitting on, your eyes that are reading this text, my thoughts that produced it and the screen that is showing them to you, all of it is made of electrons. Have I said that your thoughts are energy? I did? Let me say it one more time...

Your thoughts are energy.

Where your attention goes, energy follows, and by shouting about the things you do not like, you are giving them more exposure and power. Smile and the world will smile with you. Cry, and it will cry too. Which one of those things do you want? I know that synapses are tricky things and if you have programmed yourself to see the world in one way it will take some work to think differently. I hope my posts help and that you have already read some texts about the philosophy of happiness and got some advice in turning your life around. Start by smiling more often, everything else will follow. Smiles are your greatest weapon against negativity.

You are a DIVINE being

No one is writing your destiny except you. You are a divine being that has the power to control its life. You have all that it is necessary for it to be a supreme life. All that is needed is some determination and acceptance of the responsibility for yourself. Your parents, the media, your horoscope, God or the lines on your palm have nothing to do with it. Those are excuses. You are THE CREATOR of your own experience, you are the one who chooses and you are the one who is in control. Your thoughts and actions determine the reality that you live in. Make it a good one and have some fun along the way. You are strong enough, capable enough, brave, special and unique. You are divine. Where your attention goes, your energy flows.


P.S. Since I have officially been welcomed to @thealliance family I am sending some special amount of love to all my new brothers and sisters. Since this is my first post as a member of this family, I am dedicating it to all you lovely souls that are already a part of it. Keeping smiles on your faces will be my new and favourite mission here on steemit. I am here for you in whatever way I can be. I love you all. 💚💚💚

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