How to decipher your DREAMS - do not read dream dictionaries!

When you are (if you are) on your road of self-discovery and growth, you will sooner or later find that it is quite useful to look at your dreams and try to decipher them. The biggest mistake you can do is visit one of those sites with dream dictionaries. DO NOT do that. Dreams are a part of your subconscious and/or your inner/higher self. They have nothing to do with other people and their interpretations. I am probably going to piss some "spiritual" people with this post but let me assure you that I am not saying your beliefs are wrong and what you discovered to be the "ultimate" truth behind some symbols is wrong. It is right for you, but not for everyone because not everyone is you. Actually, no one is you except you. If you do feel that you are right and have some sort of universal dream dictionary that is absolutely true, contact me on discord, I will happily explain to you that you are wrong :) I do however hope that you will see my point of view from this post so keep your smile on and read on. If you are new to dream deciphering, allow me to take you on a happy journey into the "magical" land of dreams.

Symbols are your own

Let's do a little thought experiment, shall we? Imagine that you are holding a knife in your right hand and a flower in your left. When you look at that knife, what do you see? Do you see a murder weapon, a tool to spread butter on your bread or something to cut your vegetables? Now, look at the flower. Do you see a pretty plant that smells and looks nice or do you see a poison that could kill someone if you put it in their soup? Are you starting to get my point? Ok, throw those knife and flower away and imagine that you just had a dream where you were standing in front of a lion. Were you afraid that lion was gonna eat you or was he going to give you a message?

Knife can mean many things, just as the flower and the lion. There is NO universal symbols in your dreams. Even if you actually see a symbol of peace in your dream that does not have to represent peace. Hearts do not always mean love and tears do not mean sadness. To figure out what things, from your dreams, really mean you can not find the answer in dream books or online. You need to figure it out for yourself and just like with any other thing in your life, this one depends solely on your effort. What you give, is what you get. There are however some general guidelines that may help you in your decrypting, but the first and the most important thing to realize is that your dreams have symbols that ONLY YOU will understand and that they do not even have to mean the same thing in your every dream.

Your dreams are messages only for you. They hide valuable treasures that your subconscious/higher-self/inner-self/Universe/God/call-it-what-you-like needs to tell you. You can have a lot of fun with finding their meanings that can provide practical solutions to some everyday problems.

HOW to decipher a dream step-by-step

Keep in mind that this is my way of doing things and that it has been proven beneficial to me. That does not mean it will work for you. Try it out and see for yourself. The worst thing that can happen is that you will think for a while instead of typing "dreams explained" in Google.


This is kind of obvious. We often forget our dreams pretty quick and how could you decipher something that you don't even remember. You can type them in a notebook or by using your computer. Either way, do this as soon as you wake up because they fade away fast.


Try to remember the theme or the main character of your dream. Was it you or some event? Describe that thing and explore your feelings about it. You need to remember how you felt in the dream (if you felt anything at all) and how are you feeling when thinking about it. Both are important.


After remembering the main thing, spread your memory and write down all the details that were there. Maybe there were some colours, sounds, other people or images. What was the scenery like? Write it all down and again, figure out how it made you feel and how it is making you feel now as you are writing it.


This is the fun part. Read what you have written and analyse it. Do not worry, it will get easier with time and if you do not understand what it means, that is fine too. Take your personal experiences into account. Think of your life and your dream and try to find a connection. What can things in your dreams represent? Sometimes, your feelings are the best guides. If you are scared of something in your life and then dream of a dog that scares you, great chances are that the dog is that thing that you are afraid of. It is a symbol of it. Now try to remember all about that dog in your dream and connect it to your life. This is why you had to write down your feelings. Write your analysis and all your conclusions down and go away. Forget about it for a while.


Come back after a couple of hours or even a day. Read your dream again and read your first analysis. Now do the same thing again, just as you did with the first analysis. You will have a different mindset and maybe you will get to the same conclusions and maybe you won't. Either way is fine. If you have two different analysis, the final answer is in their joining together. Mix them up and make a third and final analysis. The more you do this, the better result you will get. Just do not stress about it and do not overthink it too much. Your thoughts should flow naturally and in a relaxed manner. There is a possibility that you will get this fast and of course, maybe you won't. Nothing bad will happen if you do not get it on your first or even your tenth time. Explore your psyche and do not give up.

Everything that you dream about is a part of your being.

Dreaming is fun, remembering a dream is fun and thinking about it is fun. If it is not, do not do it. This is not something that you should take as another stress factor in your life. Yes, you can gain a lot from it, but only if you approach it as a lovely and joyful experience, not a responsibility that will take much of your time. Play with it. You will see that you will get better and better in time. You will not only understand your dreams, you will understand your self. Have fun dreaming. I wish that you are always blessed with sweet dreams.

To read about another interesting topic regarding dreams that I wrote about, follow this link:
Lucid dreaming - being aware that you are in a dream and the ability to control it

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