@Rondonson's Rap Challenge # 16: My Entry - "Due Diligence" Part 3 (Original Song)

I recommend headphones for this one, full lyrics are provided below so you can read or rap along. I appreciate you all for listening and reading my lyrics.

Verse 1:
Life is crazy, you're not tryna hear our struggle bars
Too vicious if unleashed, getting muzzled hard
Rottweilers at the front of our junkyards
Subconsciousness​ is guarding scattered memories we tugged apart...

No entry is allowed, so if you're trespassing
Some'll end up on the news, due to death, passing
Elites love us when we die; we ingest habits
Bodies on the streets are speed bumps, but there's less traffic...

The hate is real from the fakes that create facades
Ready to react like an act that awaits applaud
Thinking that they're slick, yet they twitch giving clever nods
I make 'em cringe with jaw unhinged mentioning my God

This world disowns me, impressed by their possessions
Possessed by their oppressions still obsessed with their succession
I test the spirits, their intentions never in a session
Protected from the weapons formed against me, Christ reflection...

Song Lyrics Copyrighted By @Verbal-D

If you missed my other previous Rap Challenge Wk & Hip Hop MC Challenge Entries, Please click on the provided links below:

Rap Challenge Wk # 2: Role Model First, Emcee Second
Rap Challenge Wk # 4: Bringer Of Life
Rap Challenge Wk # 5: Deep, Lingering Pain
Rap Challenge Wk # 6: A Gorge Of Love In A Valley Of Hate
Rap Challenge Wk # 7: Steemit Hip Hop Community

Rap Challenge Wk # 8: Everybody Wants To Be An Original
Rap Challenge Wk # 14: The Great Design
Rap Challenge Wk # 15: How Can You Miss 'Em?

Hip Hop MC Challenge # 1: "Imprisoned In Your Mind?

Thank you for reading & listening to this post in its entirety, I hope you enjoyed it for what it's worth.

All Gifs used from Giphy.com

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