The Kardashev Scale | Part 4 | Final.


The Kardashev Scale

 In the last part I talked about what is a type 3 on the Kardashev Scale, and what we would be able to do. 

 If you missed Part 1 (Click Here).

If you missed Part 2 (Click Here).

If you missed Part 3 (Click Here)

Now i will talk about a Type 4, 5, 6 civilization. 

Universal Dyson Sphere 

Reaching Type 4 is unimaginable, at this point we can harness the whole universe.

The species then becomes super galactic, they would be able to travel the whole universe.

They are capable of gargantuan proportions, such as manipulating time, and playing with entropy, thus reaching immortality on a grand scale.

Now a species become's indestructible and Utopian.

And I could try explain a type 5, 6 ,7, but no one can imagine what it would be like.

And if you've read since part 1, I have now explained the whole Kardashev Scale to you.

I hope you enjoyed this 4 part series.

Thank you for reading.

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