❓Answering Common Questions: How do I get more Votes? - Part 7: Put in the WORK!

Success Doesn't Happen Overnight! It Takes Time!

Yes, some people get lucky. But we can't exactly depend on luck.

It's really important to look at the quote above here: "Patience is not simply the ability to wait - it's how we behave while we're waiting." I DO fully understand the drive to see your posts earn more. BUT...it takes time to get built up here. No matter how much you want the success, it's not something you can force to happen. However, you can help improve your odds with tips in the previous parts of this guide series.

For most of us on here...it took us MONTHS to start feeling like we were being successful. It's important to know that getting consistency in our payouts is one of the most difficult things on here and truly something you can't ever fully depend on. So rather than just waiting around for success to find you...be proactive!!

Don't get upset....Get MOTIVATED!!

Q: But I've been here for a MONTH, making posts! Why am I not making tons of money?

Because that's not realistic. I'm sorry to be a bit of a downer here, but it's the truth! Did you know that most content creators outside of Steemit tend to make next to nothing for at least a year...more often at least two years! Being able to even make a few dollars here put's you ahead of what sooooooooo many people publishing elsewhere receive....and you've likely already gotten that!

Don't compare yourself to the trending pages! Sure, it'd be nice to have a post on there...but in reality comparing your post with a trending post is apples and oranges. You may be able to find some good tips, or get ideas on what you can try....but you likely don't have the information behind it (what they've done outside their posts to help others, what relationships they've built up, what projects they've sacrificed their time to, etc.) Instead, compare yourself to your own previous work!

Constantly try to improve on what you've already done, whether it be trying different topics, having catchier headlines/thumbnail images, working on your post formatting, maybe your writing or editing styles, etc. There's ALWAYS SOMETHING that you can improve on.

In all honesty...

Success here is really all about improving yourself, your craft, your posts, your relationships with others, etc. The payouts will follow in time.

Q: So then when do I start making tons of money?


If you are here simply to get humongous rewards...you're in the wrong place. Sure..some people have the talent and get lucky. But we can't really just sit and wait for luck to happen. Not only is it unlikely to occur (by the definition of luck), but this mindset also implies that you don't have any control. Instead...be willing to put in the time, learn, adapt...put in the work.

If you find yourself getting frustrated:

  • Than write or do something that you would do anyway! Not because you think it will make you money.
  • Take some time off. We don't have to be on here all the time. Do something that's fun or enjoyable.
  • Redefine your idea of success. Setting unreasonable goals (like having every post be on trending) only hurts your.
  • Do something that is fun, but doesn't take much time to create. Maybe try doing a vlog, or a poem, or a rant...something that you can just let flow, without the need to edit. Just be real.

Q:Final Thoughts / TL;DR

Myself and many other Steemians get asked the general question of "Why aren't I earning more on here" countless times a week. While we'd all love to help every single person, there is only so much time in the day. We all have our own posts to do, comments to reply do, projects we're a part of...and that's not even counting that we all have our lives outside of Steemit.

If you find yourself about to ask this question to somebody, ask yourself first, "What have you already done to answer this yourself?" Have you searched for and read any of the guides that answer this question? Have you started to find things that are and aren't working for you? Have you been here long enough to really get a good gauge?

I really don't want to come across and mean or angry here...because I guaranty I'm not. But I have to manage how much time I can commit to helping others...and yes, I do prioritize people over others. WHY? Because I want to focus on those that have already put in the work...been here for months and months, consistently posting...that have read guides and actually talked with other community members.

I'm sorry, but when you've been here a month...and all I've seen you do is say Hi, vote for me or drop your post link...the most I can offer are links to guides. The same goes for earning on posts whether needing to see you consistently publish posts, improving your writing, style, or format. If you have specific issues...sure ask away (like how do I center, or make headings, etc)...but jumping into the "Why am I not making money" questions usually tells me they've not even tried to read up on their own.

Success typically comes to those that are willing to work hard over time. But...

You've got to put in the time and work first!!

And as always...

Keep your chin up...Keep posting...Keep improving!

❓Answering Common Questions: How do I get more Votes?-
Part 1-Part 2-Part 3-Part 4-Part 5-Part 6

❓Answering Common Questions: Why do my Post Payouts and Account Value go down ❓

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Image Sources:
Patience Quote
Money vs Time
Help Yourself

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