The Steem Tool That Can Help You Be Who You Want To Be!

My heart is actually bursting with happiness after finding this fun tool by @steemreports!


What is it that you're looking at?

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Here's their description from the website!

Steem Word Clouds
This tool looks at your most recent blog posts and creates a word cloud showing the most common words you use. It starts with a word cloud generated from the trending posts.

What am I seeing?

I'm seeing that my words are representing what I want to embody! Look at LOVE so large in the center!

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What does this mean?

I believe that our words create our worlds!

What I mean by this is the language we employ to express ourselves is directly correlated to how we view ourselves and in turn, how others see us.

I used to be a Negative Nancy not even that long ago. I used to whine and complain all of the time. Everything sucked and you know what? Due to that, everything DID IN FACT, SUCK!

I was creating that reality for myself (and when people told me that, it just made things worse because then I would have a pity party for myself!) Cue the snowball effect!

When I began to look at myself and how I was acting, the words I was using and the image I was portraying, I decided to change my language and then that overlapped into my attitude and before I knew it, there was a huge differences in not only myself and my happiness but my relationships and world around me.

I would think of the good things happening and focus my attention on them!

For example, it could be raining outside which sucks if you're on the way to work with no umbrella and you don't want your expensive suit to get wet, right? BUT maybe someone slows down while passing you so they don't splash you, or because you're cold, you go to get a coffee and meet an old friend there by chance.

So now, instead of "this is the worst day ever!" maybe something like "what a great opportunity for me to work on looking for the good in this situation!"

Find the beauty, it's there under the covers of all the 'bad' going on.

How about when something really bad happens?

I'm not saying in any way that there isn't a time and place for feeling or expressing sadness, anger, hurt or even shame.

I believe it's powerful and important to express what we feel.

What I am saying is that in general, our overall umbrella of worldly day-to-day banter can cause an effect that can lead to a happier existence!

There's evidence to support that the words you SAY with your mouth can cause your mind to respond to them. Try it! :)

I encourage you to look at your own word map!

  • What words are you using more frequently?
  • Do you resonate with them?
  • Does your heart skip a beat when you read them?
  • Are they truly expressing you (the best you, you can be?)

If you find some dissonance (maybe you'd like to use certain words more) or (maybe you'd prefer it if your map was more mythical focused with dragon being in the center) it's a fun project to keep improving and seeing where your words lead you and what that produces for you!

In my experience, rounding up my words and being more mindful (not NOT saying what I feel but saying it in a less aggressive way ie: instead of just complaining, asking myself what the problem is and then asking for help with that problem) goes a long way! Watch it improve your life!

❤❤❤Thanks to @steemreports for the great tool! You made my day!❤❤❤
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My heart's in charge here. I write about what I feel in the moment. What inspires me, what drives my passion!
Here are some of my recent additions:

💁Want to Stay in the Loop? AUTOVOTING Can Make Your Life MUCH Easier!

Your dream has come true- NEVER MISS a post again!
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Rewarding content we love, rewards us back and strengthens the community! Yay for curation rewards!

Inspiration for your heart!
Unexpected Advice That Changed My Life! I Hope It Will Change Yours Too! ❤
Telling you the truth that no one else tells you!
Why You are the best You there is!

My Challenges:
🥝Have you heard about #veganwednesday?🍓
Check out the contest update here!

🍴Hungry? Check out these yummy plant based recipes!🍴
🍰Secret Ingredient Carrot Cake Recipe
🍟Epic Smothered Garlic Cheese Fries!
🥕Wait Don't Throw That Away! How To Make Veggie 'Neat Balls' and 'Burgers' From "Leftovers!"
🍦DYI Fro-Yo!
🧀Baked Herb Cashew Cheeze!
🧀Smoked Cheddar Cheeze!
🍰Special Power Cake!
🍞 Get Stuffed: Gravy/Cheesy/Stuffed Loaf!
🍫 5 Min, Easy, Healthy DIY Chocolates!
🧀Na'cho Everyday Cheese! Vegan Queso!

🌍I can show you the world!🌍
🗺The Mysterious Fame of a Small Town!
🎥Video!Drone footage of the Maldives!
🎥Video! Drone footage= waterfalls!
🎥Video! My favorite place in NZ
🎉Exclusive Bali Beach Party!
Come Wanderlust Through the Magic Island, Bali

Until next time!

Sending you love through food, travel, inspiration and epic storytime!
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