WINNERS ANNOUNCED : STEEMIT IRON CHEF 2017 WEEK #04!!! Total of 31 SBD + 200 Whaleshares + 75 Voiceshares distributed to different winners!!! Congratulations to all winners!!!

What an amazing week of epic competition again!!! To conclude the 4th round of Steemit Iron Chef, it's time to discover the winners...

Yes my dear foodies, the winners are usual it has been a very difficult task for me to choose among all these wonderful entries but in the end I have to take a decision as in any contest!

Before discovering the different winners of this wonderful cooking contest, I want to thank all the wonderful contestants who again did an amazing job in elevating the Courgette which was the theme the past week!
All the entries were just amazing and some of them even worth to feature in Michelin Star restaurants!

Now on, the top 7 will be rewarded each week! So in total I have distributed 31SBD, 200 Whaleshares and 75 Voiceshares to the different winners!
Giving back to the community and see everyone growing together is my way of steeming and steemians like @canadian-coconut, @donkeypong and @cryptoctopus are my inspiration.
The more I make, the more I will distribute, this is a promise from a die hard food lover!

Participating for the first time ever, we have @pusteblume taking the 7th position this week with this lovely take on the classical ratatouille! A simple dish but full of promise which I am sure was super tasty!
Congrats my friend, you win 1.5SBD for this beautiful entry!

Discover the entry here!

Making the top 6 for the first time since joining this amazing contest, we have the regular @globaldoodlegems taking the 6th position this week! She made such a great progression in the plating style this time and marked many points for that!
Bravo my friend, 1.5SBD your way!

Discover the entry here!

Another contestant making the top 7 for the first time and coming up on the 5th place for her first try, we have @corsica making a lovely plated dish with the courgette! FYI @corsica comes from France and is among our first 2 French contestants entering this week!
Congrats my friend, you win 1.5SBD + a 15 whaleshares vote on your entry as your entry earned a low payout.
An advice to you is to take some more photos and you'll mark more points!!!

Discover the entry here!

Participating for the 2nd time, the fourth place this week goes to @babettxx who delivers an absolutely wonderful soup based with courgette! It is not always easy to make a cream soup look sexy...but she did it very well!
Congrats @babettxx for this well deserved 1.5SBD + 15 whaleshares, your entry was of a very high level!
I enjoyed it so much!
I hope you open your OL account soon, but for this time I will cast a vote on your entry with the whaleshares!

Discover the entry here!

Now moving on the top 3!

Ranking the top 3 for this week was so hard...They all were practically on the same level!

The winner of the last two rounds takes the 3rd position this week. Yes we have @offoodandart showing us once again that she is really a very consistent sort and will keep on surprising us with her amazing refined dish!
Congrats my friend, you win 5SBD + 20 Whaleshares + 20 Voiceshares!!!

Discover the entry here!

Always on the top part of the table, we have our winner of our first round coming with a superb plated dish for her first time! Bravo @ikaputri3 for this lovely plate you made! As I told you before, you will do very well in plated got that lovely touch!
Congrats my friend, you win 8SBD + 25 Whaleshares + 25 Voiceshares!

Discover the entry here!

Now time to discover of winner of the fourth week of steemit iron chef 2017!!!

Displaying a great savoir-faire , using amazing techniques and plating a tempting dessert with the courgette, I truly think @chefsteve really deserves the first prize this week!
Each week we can see the progression that @chefsteve is making and I am sure we will have some more amazing plates to discover from him soon!

Congratulations for winning 12SBD + 40 Whaleshares + 30 Voiceshares!!!

Discover the winning entry here!


Here is the fourth week final standings! If anyone wish to see their individual marking sheet, just let me know in the comments below, I'll share it with you!

2 more contestants bags 15 Whaleshares each being the ones with low payouts and good entry for this week, they are @lenasveganliving and @jeffjagoe.
As you guys have not yet opened your OL account, I will cast the vote on your entry. You will see the increase in your steemit iron chef entry post payout!

As from the next round, only those having their OL account will be receiving their shares, I will no more cast the votes directly on your posts. So please guys, open that OL account soon.


Following the results of week 4, here is the updated Steemit Iron Chef 2017 League table!

With his win, we have @chefsteve climbing the table and sits on the 3rd position now!
@offoodandart still in the lead with 3 points ahead of @ikaputri3!

As you can see, with a win any contestant can climb quickly the league and find themselves in the top!

Things will get even more exciting in the weeks to come!

Below is the standings after round 4 and the potential winnings for each positions with the reward pool last update at $129.

Keep participating each week and climb the league to get bigger payouts!!!
Also don't forget to upvote @steemit-ironchef daily post to grow the pot even bigger and hence more payouts to you all!


I also want to share with you the below table for you to get an idea how I am distributing prizes and points each week!
If you have any questions, just ask me below!

I have decided/confirmed to reward the top 7 as you can see below!

Steemit Iron Chef Points and Rewards System
Weekly Position Valid Entry Point Bonus Points Total Weekly $ Whaleshares Voiceshares

So here we are with four rounds already completed!
It really looks exciting about how the ranking on the league will change each and every week!

Be quick and send your entry for the fifth week now!

Find the post announcement here for week 05!!!


The SBD made on all my posts moving forward will be used for sponsoring the Steemit Iron Chef 2017!

Anyone wishing to grow the prizes and be a sponsor of this unique contest, please do let me know! You are most welcomed!

Thank you and congrats to all the winners!!!

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