Your top 10 most wordy Comments - Get your list here!

My gift offering to you today: The 10 comments you submitted to the blockchain which contain the most text.

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Hello all!

Time for another one of these data posts. Generally, the feedback is good and I have new requests, as well as replies on the older posts (links below) coming in still too - so I shall continue.

Just don't ask me to give you the 10 richest Bid-bot witnesses ;)

Why this data could be useful

Do long comments give you the most financial reward? I wouldn't have thought so, but they could gain you some followers - indirect financial rewards and more engagement.

The list will look something like this:


'Length' is the length of the comment in characters.

I have removed posts with a title that included 'top-10' from my list above, and will also remove if requested, one piece of free-text (within reason!) for each request I receive.

The reason behind this was that a lot of my recent 'data table comments' were included in the list above, and I wanted to see more of the 'free text' replies.

A closer look

Well it does look as if size doesn't always matter! Especially when I compare this to my top 10 most 'valuable' comments.

It was good to have a read through some of these comments though, and I think the one I'm most pleased to have written is the one to @fulltimegeek. This was an early 'stewards of gondor' post in the making and well, that one turned into a really good thing for me personally :)

So, who wants to see their data?

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Asher @abh12345

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