Why Steemit is better than Tripadvisor, my experience

In the last few months I have started using http://www.steemit.com for posting travel reviews and to blog about trips I have made in the past. I have even started a regular travel review where I visit Irish Pubs in Dublin and share my experience as I search for the best pint in Dublin, and uncover hidden gems of pubs along the way.

How do you get your travel info? How do you share your travel stories and photos?
I always use Tripadvisor when I travel, it's great for finding short reviews and identifying the top tourist sites. It has extensive data and and a huge user base which makes it very reliable. I will however not be posting reviews there any more. I have found a new, better outlet for my travel experiences. In this post I compare "The Tripadvisor Experience" and "The Steemit Experience". Have you heard of Steemit?

My Rewards on Tripadvisor

Screenshot from my user profile on www.tripadvisor.com

As you can see I haven't been that active, I don't travel as much as I would like and when I do I often don't have access to WIFI when I want to post.
The above profile picture is the sum total of the reward that Tripadvisor provides me for my content. Thats it! I am not sure what you get with your points, but I have not gotten much with my points or badges.

My Rewards on Steemit

Looks Similar right? I have badges, points and targets to achieve. I am motivated to post more, just like on Tripadvisor.

The badges provided by @arcange & @captaink at https://steemitboard.com/

looks similar but...

There is a big difference. Notice the top right of the picture?, Total Rewards 4,697.856 SP. That's real money! Of course this is not all from travel posts, I also write about Technology, Steemit and other articles such as this, but lets just focus on my recent travel posts, to get a flavour of what you can achieve by posting travel reviews and stories on Steemit.

Travel Reviews on Tripadvisor

I have done a few reviews on Tripadvisor but to be honest its hard to write for it, your reviews get vetted and I don't really enjoy the experience. I also get a periodic email which goes something like,

I got this in an email in April 2017, and I can't even remember the last time I wrote for it about a place in Dublin. I think it has been years.

Travel Reviews on Steemit

I am not a professional writer or travel blogger, I have started writing in earnest here on Steemit in the last few months. Reliving some of my old trips but also blogging about new experiences. I have built up to my most recent posts over several months but look what I am earning now by clicking on some of the posts below.

Payouts can be a bit hit and miss, especially at the start, but the thing is even if I was not earning, it's still fun to post here and I am meeting some great people here online. I have never gotten to know people like this from travel websites before. I will still use tripadvisor, but I will post here about by experiences.

Recent Travel Posts

Recent Reviews

A little better than Tripadvisor, right?

Ok so I can't retire on this just yet, but its infinitely more than I get on Tripadvisor. I am also encouraged to write more, to relive my travels and post about them. On Steemit there is also no vetting of posts. What you write gets posted, 100%. The good and the bad.

I don't earn big bucks but some people are actually making a living in part due to this site. Check out @budgetbucketlist at @budgetbucketlist, and see how much she is making.


Steemit has motivated me to write about, remember and relive some trips I have made. I am writing about them at last and sharing my experiences with a helpful and welcoming community. I never thought I would write a blog, but Steemit has helped me get writing and there is no stopping me now. The following travel posts I have made here all thanks to Steemit.

Life after college

When I finished University in 2003 I was faced with the same life decisions many people are faced with. What to do next? I chose to spend some time travelling in some hard to reach places.

I have had so much fun creating these posts, going through old photo albums and digging out some diaries and notes I have left in my guide books, all thanks to Steemit. It would never even have occurred to me to do that for Tripadvisor. These stories share a different experience, that I would not be able to put on another existing platform.

Recent Trips

I still travel and see new places every chance I get post now on Steemit. Some recent posts.

So what is Steemit and how do I get started?

Promotional Video provided by @kralizec/

Thank you for reading this. I write on Steemit about Blockchain, Cryptocurrency, Travel and lots of random topics.

All Images are from my personal library & special thanks to @benjojo for the Steemit Logo

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